
下列 为严复的代表译作。 A.《群己权界论》 B.《黑奴吁天录》 C.《中观论》 D.《论演说术》
______倾向于意译,常对原文加以改动,以适应中国的文体。他的译法虽然灵活,态度却很谨慎。因此他的译文既准确又流畅。 A.摄摩腾 B.释道安 C.鸠摩罗什 D.玄奘
就汉译英而论,下面哪种表述是正确的? A.断句的情况较多,并句的情况较少 B.断句的情况较多,并句的情况也较多 C.断句的情况较少,并句的情况较多 D.断句的情况较少,并句的情况也较少
“翻译的确切性就是通过复制原文形式的特点(如果语言条件许可的话),或创造在作用上与原文特点相符的东西来表达原文所特有的内容与形式间的相互关系。”这是费道罗夫在他的著作______中指出的。 A.《语言与翻译面面观》 B.《语言与翻译》 C.《论翻译的原则》 D. 《翻译理论概要》
The universities also took little interest in modern or scientific studies;and they were closed to those who did not conform to the Church of England. A.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣,这两所大学还把不信奉英国国教的人关在门外。 B.大学对现代的和科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣,而且他们还把不信奉英国国教的人关在门外。 C.大学对现代的和科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;而且那些不信奉英国国教的人不能进入这些大学。 D.大学对现代的和科学的学科几乎不感兴趣,而且那些不信奉英国国教的人不能进入这些大学。
They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up. A.在我长大的时候,他们用过这种吓唬人的办法。 B.在我小时候,他们用过这种吓唬人的办法。 C.在我长大的时候,他们用过这种令人恐怖的办法. D.在我小时候,他们用过这种令人恐怖的办法。
You will have no reason to think about the merely statistical fact of the number of years you have already lived, still less of the probable brevity of your future. A.你就有理由去考虑自己已经活了多少岁这样具体的数字,更有理由去考虑自己的余年大概是很有限的了。 B.你就没有理由去考虑自己已经活了多少岁这样具体的数字,更没有理由去考虑自己的余年大概是很有限的了。 C.你就没有理由去考虑自己已经活了多少岁这样具体的数字,也没有理由去考虑自己的余年大概是很有限的了。 D.你就有理由去考虑自己已经活了多少岁这样具体的数字,也有理由去考虑自己的余年大概是很有限的了。
Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals,and they characterize all the Industrial Revolution. A.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。 B.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。 C.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。 D.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。
When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful. A.当周恩来的房门打开的时候,他们看到一个两眼闪着光辉,比普通人略高一点的身材瘦长的男人和一张很吸引人的称得上清秀的脸。 B.当周恩来的房门打开的时候,他们看到一个两眼闪着光辉,比普通人略高一点的身材瘦长的男人,他有一张很吸引人并称得上清秀的脸。 C.周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到一个两眼闪着光辉,身材瘦长、 比普通人略高一点的人,面貌很引人注意,称得上清秀。 D.周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到一个身材瘦长、比普通人略高一点的人,两眼闪着光辉,面貌很引人注意,称得上清秀。
“Chinglish is the most important and difficult problem in translation” is expressed by _________. A.George Steiner B.Sol Adler C.Eugene A. Nida D. Charles R. Taber
According to Eugene A. Nida, the extent to which the forms must be changed in order to preserve the meaning will depend upon the ______ distance between languages. A. linguistic B.cultural C.structural D.linguistic and cultural
“介绍西方文学入中国第一人”为______ A.严复 B.鲁迅 C.林纾 D.傅雷
我国翻译事业最初是从 ________ 开始的。 A.隋朝  B.唐朝    C.翻译诗经  D.翻译佛经
Chu Teh remembered his age. He was thirty-six, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned. A.朱德还记得自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春一去不复返,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。 B.朱德想起自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已一闪而逝,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。 C.朱德想起自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已不在了,使他有衰老感和幻灭感。 D.朱德还记得自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已一闪而逝,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。
合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。 A.All activities of an equity joint venture should comply by the provisions of the laws, B.All activities of an equity joint venture shall abide with the provisions of the laws, C.All activities of an equity joint venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, D.All activities of an equity joint venture should abide by the provisions of the laws, d
在1977年,中国进出口总额还不到150亿美元,仅占世界贸易总额的0.6%。 A.In 1977, the total sum of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, put Ch B.In 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, puttin C.In 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $150 billion, putti D.In 1977, the total sum of Chinese imports and exports was less than $150 billion, putti
At the hotel I always finished the meal with ice cream and the girls there would laugh because I like it so much. A.我在饭店吃饭,最后总是吃冰激凌。我吃得津津有味,惹得那些女服务员发笑。 B.在饭店里,我总是以冰激凌来结束吃饭。我吃得津津有味,惹得那些女服务员发笑。 C.我在饭店吃饭,最后总是吃冰激凌。因为我是那么的喜欢它,所以那里的女孩子都笑我。 D.在饭店里,我总是以冰激凌来结束吃饭。因为我是那么的喜欢它,所以那里的女孩子都笑我。
The tall, well-dressed gentlemen standing before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination. A.一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。 B.一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,与我先前想象的老海怪不同。 C.站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪不一样。 D.站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。
He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. A.待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没。 B.待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。 C.待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没。 D.待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。
The conclusion we reached in Britain is that changes simply cannot sensibly be put off. A.我们英国人得出的结论是,改革不能被合乎情理地推延。 B.我们英国人得出的结论是,改革是大势所趋。 C.我们在英国得出的结论是,改革是大势所趋。 D.我们在英国得出的结论是,改革不能被合乎情理地推迟。
James Bringley of Straffordshire started his self-made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of 17, having been born poor in a village. A.1733年,斯塔福郡的詹姆斯•布林德雷就在磨坊工作。因为他出身于一个贫困的农村家庭,17岁那年,他便开始了自我奋斗的历程。 B. 斯塔福郡的詹姆斯•布林德雷1733年就开始了自我奋斗的历程。因为出生在一个贫困的农村家庭,17岁那年,他就在磨坊工作。 C.斯塔福郡的詹姆斯•布林德雷,出生在一个贫困的农村家庭,1733年,在他17岁时,靠改良磨坊的水车轮,便开始了自我奋斗的历程。 D.1733年,斯塔福郡的詹姆斯•布林德雷,在他17岁时,靠改良磨坊的水车轮,便开始了自我奋斗的历程,他出生在一个贫困的农村家庭。
Chu Teh remembered his age. He was thirty-six, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned. A. 朱德还记得自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春一去不复返,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。 B. 朱德想起自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已一闪而逝,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。 C. 朱德想起自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已不在了,使他有衰老感和幻灭感。 D. 朱德还记得自己的年龄,他已三十六岁,青春像一路鸣叫的鹰,早已一闪而逝,留给他的是衰老和幻灭。
Chou En-lai arranged for experts from Beijing University to give Bill Morrow some up-to-date information he want. A.北京大学的专家想为比尔·莫罗提供一些最新情况,周恩来就给他们作了安排。 B.周恩来想让北京大学的专家作出安排,向比尔·莫罗介绍一些最新情况。 C.比尔·莫罗想了解一些最新的情况,周恩来就安排北京大学的专家向他作介绍。 D.比尔·莫罗想了解一些有关北京大学的专家的最新情况,周恩来就作了安排。
Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals,and they characterize all the Industrial Revolution. A.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。 B.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。 C.在修建英国运河网的过程中,有两点是非常突出的,而这两点正是整个工业革命的特点。 D.在修建英国运河枢纽工程中,有两点是非常突出的,而他们正是整个工业革命的特点。
My fingers lingered almost unconseiously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. A.我的手几乎是无意识地抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵迎来了芬芳的,南方的春天。 B.我的手几乎是无意识地抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。 C. 我的手几乎是无意识地用手抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵迎来了芬芳的,南方的春天。 D. 我的手是无意识地用手抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。
Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. A. 古埃及的坟墓和寺庙跟随着尼罗河一直到苏丹。 B. 古埃及的坟墓和寺庙很好地跟随着尼罗河,然后进入苏丹。 C. 尼罗河沿岸直到苏丹境内很远的地方,到处可以见到古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。 D. 从尼罗河到苏丹,有许多古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。
The universities also took little interest in modern or scientific studies;and they were closed to those who did not conform to the Church of England. A. 大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣,这两所大学还把不信奉英国国教的人关在门外。 B.大学对现代的和科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣,而且他们还把不信奉英国国教的人关在门外。 C.大学对现代的和科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;而且那些不信奉英国国教的人不能进入这些大学。 D.大学对现代的和科学的学科几乎不感兴趣,而且那些不信奉英国国教的人不能进入这些大学。
A powerful indictment of America’s disregard of ecology, Silent Spring was aimed chiefly at the wholesale use of chemical pesticide.especially DDT. A.有力地控诉了美国对生态的忽视,《沉默的春天》主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕。 B.一个对美国忽视生态的有力控诉,《沉默的春天》主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕。 C.《沉默的春天》是对美国忽视生态的有力控诉,它主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是对滴滴涕的使用进行了控诉。 D.《沉默的春天》对美国忽视生态,主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕的使用,进行了有力的控诉。
They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up. A.在我长大的时候,他们用过这种吓唬人的办法。 B.在我小时候,他们用过这种吓唬人的办法。 C.在我长大的时候,他们用过这种令人恐怖的办法。 D.在我小时候,他们用过这种令人恐怖的办法。
He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. A. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没。 B. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是对某一个意见表示赞成似的,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。 C. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没。 D. 待一会儿他就轻快地把头一点,好象是肯定了某一个意见,其实他心里头可并没想什么特别的事儿。
The tall, well-dressed gentlemen standing before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination. A.一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。 B.一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,与我先前想象的老海怪不同。 C.站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪不一样。 D.站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。
自1978年经济改革以来,中国经济以年均近10%的速度增长,使其国民生产总值几乎翻了两番。 A. Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China’s GNP nearly double. B. Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen China’s GNP nearly quadruple. C. Since economic reform in 1978, China’s economy grows at a rate of almost 10% a year and makes GDP nearly double. D. Since economic reform in 1978, China’s average growth rate is almost 10% a year and has witnessed its GDP quadruple.
合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。 A. All activities of an equity joint venture should comply by the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China. B. All activities of an equity joint venture shall abide with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China. C. All activities of an equity joint venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China. D. All activities of an equity joint venture should abide by the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要有一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。 A. Today, the Chinese people, who are committing to their modernization, need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring environment. B. Today, the Chinese people who are committed to their modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring environment. C. Today, the Chinese people are committing to their modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring environment. D. Today, the Chinese people are committed to their modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring environment.
工头就说:“没号了!没号了!” ( ) A.The foreman would say, “That.s all! No more hands needed!” B. The foreman would say, “No more numbers! No more numbers!” C. The foreman would say, “No more workers needed! We needn’t any more workers!” D. The foreman would say, “No more workers needed! No more workers!”
Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation.s basic occupation. A.尽管工业方面的巨大进步,农业始终是国家的基本行业。 B.尽管工业方面的巨大进步,农业仍保持着国家基本行业地位。 C.尽管工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业始终是国家的基本行业。 D.尽管工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业仍保持着国家基本行业地位。
For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A.对英国来说,我们的欧盟和世界贸易组织成员的身份为我们带来了这个家。 B.对英国来说,我们的欧盟和世界组织成员的身份使我们对这一点深有感触。 C.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历为我们带来了这个家。
阿德莱德位于洛夫蒂岭山麓,属地中海型气候。 A. Situating at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate. B. Situated at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoyed a Mediterranean climate. C. Being situated at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate. D. Situated at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate.
But there isn’t anything here right now that I could offer you. We don’t make many changes. A. 眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不换很多人。 B. 不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不常换人。 C. 不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不换很多人。 D. 不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不换人。
James Brindley of Straffordshire started his self-made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of 17, having been born poor in a village. A. 1733年,斯塔福郡的詹姆斯·布林德雷就在磨坊工作。因为他出身于一个贫困的农村家庭,17岁那年,他便开始了自我奋斗的历程。 B. 斯塔福郡的詹姆斯·布林德雷1733年就开始了自我奋斗的历程。因为出生在一个贫困的农村家庭,17岁那年,他就在磨坊工作。 C. 斯塔福郡的詹姆斯·布林德雷,出生在一个贫困的农村家庭,1733年,在他17岁时,靠改良磨坊的水车轮,便开始了自我奋斗的历程。 D. 1733年,斯塔福郡的詹姆斯·布林德雷,在他17岁时,靠改良磨坊的水车轮,便开始了自我奋斗的历程,他出生在一个贫困的农村家庭。
The conclusion we reached in Britain is that changes simply cannot sensibly be put off. A.我们英国人得出的结论是,改革不能被合乎情理地推延。 B.我们英国人得出的结论是,改革是大势所趋。 C.我们在英国得出的结论是,改革是大势所趋。 D.我们在英国得出的结论是,改革不能被合乎情理地推迟。
在1977年,中国进出口总额还不到150亿美元,仅占世界贸易总额的0.6%。 A. In 1977, the total sum of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, put China’s share of world trade at 0.6 percent. B. In 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, putting China’s share of world trade at 0.6 percent. C. In 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $150 billion, putting China’s share of world trade at 0.6 percent. D. In 1977, the total sum of Chinese imports and exports was less than $150 billion, putting China’s share of world trade at 0.6 percent.
What aids there were to lighten labor were immemorial, like the mill, which was already ancient in Chaucer’s time. A.像磨房一样的一些旨在减轻劳动强度的古代机械,在乔叟时代就已经是古董了。 B.一些旨在减轻劳动强度的机器不知从何时代起就有了,比如磨房,在乔叟时代就已经是古董了。 C.一些旨在减轻劳动强度的古代机械,比如磨房,在乔叟时代就已经是古董了。 D.像磨房一样的一些在乔叟时代就已经用了很久的机器,旨在减轻劳动强度,不知从何时代起就有了。
五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。 A. The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin. B. The May 4th Movement happened at the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin. C. The May 4th Movement happened under the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin. D. The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russian Revolution and at the call of Lenin.
President Clinton realized---as all of us must---that today economy is global. A.克林顿总统认识到——正如每个人必须认识到——当今的经济世界是全球的。 B.克林顿总统认识到——正如每个人必须认识到——当今的经济具有全球性质。 C.正如每个人必须认识到的那样,克林顿总统认识到当今的经济是全球的。 D 正如每个人必须认识到的那样,克林顿总统认识到当今的经济具有全球性质。
北海公园原是历代封建帝王的“御花园”,总面积共有68.2公顷。 A. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties. B. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, being the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties. C. Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, which was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties. D.Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in the feudal dynasties.
按照《联合国海洋法公约》的规定,中国还对广阔的大陆架和专属经济区行使主权和管辖权。 A. As defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones. B. Defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones. C. China defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones. D. China as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones.
When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful. A.当周恩来的房门打开的时候,他们看到一个两眼闪着光辉,比普通人略高一点的身材瘦长的男人和一张很吸引人的称得上清秀的脸。 B.当周恩来的房门打开的时候,他们看到一个两眼闪着光辉,比普通人略高一点的身材瘦长的男人,他有一张很吸引人并称得上清秀的脸。 C.周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到一个两眼闪着光辉,身材瘦长、 比普通人略高一点的人,面貌很引人注意,称得上清秀。 D. 周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到一个身材瘦长、比普通人略高一点的人,两眼闪着光辉,面貌很引人注意,称得上清秀。
My teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name. A.我在知道每样东西都有一个名字以前,我的教师和我相处了好几个星期。 B.我的老师和我相处了好几个星期以后,我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。 C.我在知道每样东西都有一个名字以前,老师教了我好几个星期。 D.老师教了我好几个星期以后,我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。
Cattle-raising,long as an important industry in Texas,become even more flourishing after the war,when enterprising men began to drive their Texas long horns north across the open public domain. A.养牛,得克萨斯州长期以来的重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,那时大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛穿过了开放的公共地带,向北走去。 B.在得克萨斯州,养牛是长期以来的重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,那时大胆的养牛人赶着得州的长角牛,穿过了开放的公共地带向北走去。 C.在得克萨斯州,养牛早就是重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛,穿过了开放的公共地带,向北走去。 D.在得克斯州,养牛早就是重要行业,在战后,大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛穿过了开放的公共地带向北走去,养牛业更为繁荣。