
It is _________ that wrote Essay on the Principles of Translation in 1790. A.F. Tytler B.Charles R. Taber C.Saint Jerome D.Eugene A. Nida
今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要有一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。 A.Today, the Chinese people, who are committing to their modernization, need more than ev B.Today, the Chinese people who are committed to their modernization need more than ever C.Today, the Chinese people are committing to their modernization need more than ever a l D.Today, the Chinese people are committed to their modernization need more than ever a lo
According to A. F. Tytler, the three principles of translation are the following EXCEPT that ______. A.the translation should have all the ease of the original composition B. the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work C.the merit of the original work should be completely transfused into another language D.the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original
在佛经翻译中,玄奘对自己提出的要求是 A.不增不减,词序调整 B.译法灵活,态度谨慎 C.译文准确而又流畅 D.既须求真,又须喻俗
自1978年经济改革以来,中国经济以年均近10%的速度增长,使其国民生产总值几乎翻了两番。 A.Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen B.Since economic reform began in 1978, an average growth rate of almost 10% a year has seen C.Since economic reform in 1978, China’s economy grows at a rate of almost 10% a year and ma D.Since economic reform in 1978, China’s average growth rate is almost 10% a year and has wi
五四运动所进行的文化革命是彻底地反对封建文化的运动。 A.The cultural revolution carried out by the May 4th Movement was complete in its position t B.The cultural revolution ushered by May 4th Movement was uncompromising of its opposition o C. The cultural revolution launched by May 4th Movement was complete in its position to feud D.The cultural revolution ushered in by the May 4th Movement was uncompromising in its oppos
Since Word War Il, the U.S. has been the world’s largest economy country and, in most years, the world’s largest exporter. A.自从第二次世界大战以来,美国一直是世界上最大的经济大国。在大多数年代中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。 B.由于第二次世界大战,美国成为世界上最大的经济大国。而且在许多年中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。 C.自从第二次世界大战以来,美国经济成为世界最强大的。而且在许多年中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。 D.由于第二次世界大战,美国经济成为世界上最强大的。而且在许多年中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。
Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation.s basic occupation. A.尽管工业方面的巨大进步,农业始终是国家的基本行业。 B.尽管工业方面的巨大进步,农业仍保持着国家基本行业地位。 C.尽管工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业始终是国家的基本行业。 D.尽管工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业仍保持着国家基本行业地位。
What aids there were to lighten labor were immemorial, like the mill, which was already ancient in Chaucer’s time. A.像磨房一样的一些旨在减轻劳动强度的古代机械,在乔叟时代就已经是古董了。 B.一些旨在减轻劳动强度的机器不知从何时代起就有了,比如磨房,在乔叟时代就已经是古董了。 C.一些旨在减轻劳动强度的古代机械,比如磨房,在乔叟时代就已经是古董了。 D.像磨房一样的一些在乔叟时代就已经用了很久的机器,旨在减轻劳动强度,不知从何时代起就有了。
Several thousand years ago, _________did not think it necessary to translate word for word, and he preserved the general style and force the language. A.Cicero B.Saint Jerome C.John Steinbeck D.Theodore Savory
五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。 A.The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, at the call of t B.The May 4th Movement happened at the call of the world revolution, at the call of the Russ C.The May 4th Movement happened under the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revol D.The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian R
For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A.对英国来说,我们的欧盟和世界贸易组织成员的身份为我们带来了这个家。 B.对英国来说,我们的欧盟和世界组织成员的身份使我们对这一点深有感触。 C.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历为我们带来了这个家。
With the flood came the life-giving mud that made Egypt the granary of the ancient world. A.河水泛滥带来的泥沙,万物得以生长,这样埃及成为古代世界的粮仓。 B.河水泛滥带来了泥沙,万物得以生长,埃及就这样成了古代世界的粮仓。 C.随着河水的泛滥带来赋予生命的泥沙,埃及就成为古代世界的粮仓。 D. 泛滥的河水带来赋予生命的泥沙,万物得以生长,埃及就这样成为古代世界的粮仓。
就句子结构而言;一般说来____________ A..汉语多用并列结构,英语也多用并列结构 B.汉语多用并列结构,英语多用主从结构 C.汉语多用主从结构,英语也多用主从结构 D.汉语多采用主从结构,英语多用并列结构
My fingers lingered almost unconseiously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. A.我的手几乎是无意识地抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵迎来了芬芳的,南方的春天。 B.我的手几乎是无意识地抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。 C.我的手几乎是无意识地用手抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵迎来了芬芳的,南方的春天。 D.我的手是无意识地用手抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶片和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳的春天。
According to George Steiner, the true road for the translator lies through_______. A.Metaphrase B.Imitation C.Paraphrase D.Transliteration
流传久远的作品是靠文学技巧流传,谁会关心百十年前的生活? A.Literary works have stood the test of time because of the skill. Who today really cares ab B.Literary works have stood the test of time because of the skill, who today really cares ab C.Literary works have stood the test of time because of the skill with which they were writt D.Literary works have stood the test of time because of the skill with which they were writt
The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind. A.突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。 B.突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压了下来,一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。 C.突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了。这情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。 D.突然浑浊的雨水像一面墙一下子就连人带车都冲走了的情景直到现在还印在我的脑海里。
The delta and the narrow Nile Valley to the south make up only 3 percent of Egypt’s land but are home to 96 percent of her population. A.三角洲和南边狭窄的尼罗河河谷只占埃及土地的百分之三,却有百分之九十六的人口住在这里。 B.三角洲和南边狭窄的尼罗河河谷组成埃及土地的百分之三,却有百分之九十六的人口住在这里。 C.三角洲和南边狭窄的尼罗河河谷只占埃及土地的百分之三,却是百分之九十六的人口的家。 D.三角洲和到南部狭窄的尼罗河河谷共占埃及土地的百分之三,却为百分之九十六的人口提供住所。
I guessed vaguely from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen. A.母亲给我打着手势,人们在屋里匆匆地走来走去,我模模糊糊地猜到有一件不寻常的事在周围发生了。 B.我从母亲打给我的模糊手势中和从人们在屋里匆匆地走来走去中预感到一件不寻常的事已经要发生了。 C.从母亲的手势和人们在屋里跑来跑去中,我隐约地预感到有不寻常的事要发生。 D.母亲给我打着手势,人们在屋里匆匆地走来走去,模模糊糊地预感到一件不寻常的事就要发生了。
北海公园原是历代封建帝王的“御花园”,总面积共有68.2公顷。 A.Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in th B.Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covers an area of 68.2 hectares, being the imperial garden in t C.Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, which was the imperial garde D.Bei Hai (North Lake) Park, covering an area of 68.2 hectares, was the imperial garden in t
代词在英语和汉语里都经常使用,但总的说来,______。 A.英语代词用得多,汉语代词用得少 B.英语代词用得多,汉语代词也用得多 C.汉语代词用得多,英语代词用得少 D.汉语代词用得少,英语代词也用得少
Chou En-lai arranged for experts from Beijing University to give Bill Morrow some up-to-date information he want. A.北京大学的专家想为比尔·莫罗提供一些最新情况,周恩来就给他们作了安排。 B.周恩来想让北京大学的专家作出安排,向比尔·莫罗介绍一些最新情况。 C.比尔·莫罗想了解一些最新的情况,周恩来就安排北京大学的专家向他作介绍。 D.比尔·莫罗想了解一些有关北京大学的专家的最新情况,周恩来就作了安排。
我最近还在另一个地方说过:艺术的最好境界是无技巧。 A.I’ve also said recently on another occasion that the highest state to which art can attain B. I’ve also said recently in another occasion that the highest state to which art can attai C.I’ve also said recently in another place that the highest state to which art can attain is D. I’ve also said recently in another occasion that the highest state to which art can attai
_______不喜欢重复,如果在一句话里或相连的几句话里需要重复某个词语,则用_______来代替,或以其他手段来避免重复。 A.汉语,名词 B.英语, 副词 C.英语,代词 D.汉语,代词
中国作为疆域辽阔,人口众多,历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。 A.Since China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, She should make gre B.China, with a vast territory, a big population and a long history should make greater cont C.A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, D.Having a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater co
相互了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。唯有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。 A.Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Only with mutual understan B.Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without it, it would be im C.Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations, without it, it would be im D.Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations, only with mutual understan
在旧社会,我们评剧演员常常挣钱不够吃饭,艺人们大都是拉家带口,生活困难。 A.In the old society, pingju players seldom made enough to live on, and as most were saddled B.In the old society, pingju players couldn. t earn more money to live on. Most of them wer C.In the old society, pingju players seldom made enough to eat. Most of D.In the old society, pingju players couldn.t earn enough money to eat, and as most were sa
Driving southward from Cairo into the Nile Valley,I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era. A.我驱车南行,从开罗进入尼罗河河谷,这里的景色还没有受到多少现代社会的影响。 B.我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,这里的景色还没有受到多少现代社会的影响。 C.我驱车南行,从开罗进人尼罗河河谷,我看到了没有受到多少现代社会影响的景色。 D.我从开罗驱车南行,进入尼罗河河谷,我看到了没有受到多少现代社会的影响。
Cattle-raising,long as an important industry in Texas,become even more flourishing after the war,when enterprising men began to drive their Texas long horns north across the open public domain. A.养牛,得克萨斯州长期以来的重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,那时大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛穿过了开放的公共地带,向北走去。 B.在得克萨斯州,养牛是长期以来的重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,那时大胆的养牛人赶着得州的长角牛,穿过了开放的公共地带向北走去。 C.在得克萨斯州,养牛早就是重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛,穿过了开放的公共地带,向北走去。 D.在得克斯州,养牛早就是重要行业,在战后,大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛穿过了开放的公共地带向北走去,养牛业更为繁荣。
The universities also took little interest in modern or scientific studies;and they were closed to those who did not conform to the Church of England. A.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣,这两所大学还把不信奉英国国教的人关在门外。 B.大学对现代的和科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣,而且他们还把不信奉英国国教的人关在门外。 C.大学对现代的和科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;而且那些不信奉英国国教的人不能进入这些大学。 D.大学对现代的和科学的学科几乎不感兴趣,而且那些不信奉英国国教的人不能进入这些大学。
In After Babel “the true road for the translator lies through paraphrase” is pointed out by A.George Steiner B.Saint Jerome C. A.F. Tytler D.Theodore Savory
A powerful indictment of America’s disregard of ecology, Silent Spring was aimed chiefly at the wholesale use of chemical pesticide.especially DDT. A.有力地控诉了美国对生态的忽视,《沉默的春天》主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕。 B.一个对美国忽视生态的有力控诉,《沉默的春天》主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕。 C.《沉默的春天》是对美国忽视生态的有力控诉,它主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是对滴滴涕的使用进行了控诉。 D.《沉默的春天》对美国忽视生态,主要是针对大规模使用农药,特别是滴滴涕的使用,进行了有力的控诉。
费道罗夫曾阐述有关确切翻译的原则,下列选项中不正确的一项是_________ A.翻译的确切性就是表达原文思想内容的完全准确和在修辞作用上与原文的完全一致。 B.翻译的确切性就是通过复制原文形式的特点或创造在作用上与原文特点相符的东西来表达原文所特有的内容与形式间的相互关系。 C.确切翻译是以整体与部分之间的一定的均衡为前提的。 D.确切性在整个翻译的过程中要求在字面上同样程度地接近原文
The country was a place where man worked from dawn to dark,and the labourer lived not in the sun,but in poverty and darkness. A.农村是这样一个人们从早工作到晚的地方,并且劳动者并不生活在阳光下,而是在贫困和黑暗中。 B.农村是这样一个地方,人们从早工作到晚,并且劳动者并不生活在阳光下,而是在贫困和黑暗中。 C.农村是这样一个地方,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者并不沐浴在阳光下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。 D.在农村,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者并不是沐浴在阳光下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。
For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A.对英国来说,我们的欧盟和世界贸易组织成员的身份为我们带来了这个家。 B.对英国来说,我们的欧盟和世界组织成员的身份使我们对这一点深有感触。 C.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历为我们带来了这个家。
President Clinton realized---as all of us must---that today economy is global. A.克林顿总统认识到——正如每个人必须认识到——当今的经济世界是全球的。 B.克林顿总统认识到——正如每个人必须认识到——当今的经济具有全球性质。 C.正如每个人必须认识到的那样,克林顿总统认识到当今的经济是全球的。 D.正如每个人必须认识到的那样,克林顿总统认识到当今的经济具有全球性质。
My teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name. A.我在知道每样东西都有一个名字以前,我的教师和我相处了好几个星期 B.我的老师和我相处了好几个星期以后,我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。 C.我在知道每样东西都有一个名字以前,老师教了我好几个星期。 D.老师教了我好几个星期以后,我才知道每样东西都有一个名字。
But there isn’t anything here right now that I could offer you. We don’t make many changes. A.眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不换很多人。 B.不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不常换人。 C.不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不换很多人。 D.不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。我们不换人。
()认为“凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作的风姿。” A.瞿秋白 B.鲁迅 C.傅雷 D.赵景深
我国陆地矿产资源的人均占有量不到世界人均量的一半。 A.The amount per capita of the land mineral resources in China is less than half the figure B.The amount per capita of the mineral land resources in China is no less than half the figu C.The amount per capita of the mineral land resources in China is lower than half the figure D.The amount per capita of the land mineral resources in China is no more than half the figu
他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山以外,都是我没有到过的。 A.In China, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of Jin B.In China, he has been to many places where I have never visited, with the exception of Jin C.In China, he has visited many places which I have never been, except for the Jinggang Moun D.In China,he has visited.ha,any places where I have been to, except for Jinggang Mountains.
广义上下文,指该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境,这就是__________,即在该单位的周围,在该单位之外,亦即在与之毗连的各个句子中的语言单位的总和。 A.句法上下文 B.词汇上下文 C.话语上下文 D.段落上下文
按照《联合国海洋法公约》的规定,中国还对广阔的大陆架和专属经济区行使主权和管辖权。 A.As defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, China also exercises sovereignty an B.Defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, China also exercises sovereignty and j C.China defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also exercises sovereignty and ju D.China as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also exercises sovereignty and
阿德莱德位于洛夫蒂岭山麓,属地中海型气候。 A.Situating at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate. B.Situated at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoyed a Mediterranean climate. C.Being situated at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate. D.Situated at the base of the Mt. Lofty Ranges, it enjoys a Mediterranean climate.
The river is fenced to keep people out. A.这条河用围栏把人们挡在外边。 B.围栏把人们挡在这条河外边。 C.围栏把这条河挡在人们的外边。 D.为了行人的安全,河的两岸修了栏杆。
I always found myself a dread of west and a love of east in Eden. A.我总是在自己身上找到对西方的畏惧和对东方的喜爱。 B.我总是在我内心深处找到对西方的畏惧和对东方的喜爱。 C.我发现自己身上一直有对西方的畏惧,对东方的喜爱。 D.我发现自己一直对西方怀有畏惧,而对东方怀有喜爱。
Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. A.古埃及的坟墓和寺庙跟随着尼罗河一直到苏丹。 B.古埃及的坟墓和寺庙很好地跟随着尼罗河,然后进入苏丹。 C.尼罗河沿岸直到苏丹境内很远的地方,到处可以见到古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。 D.从尼罗河到苏丹,有许多古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。
傅雷认为翻译重在______。 A.理论 B.实践 C.创新 D.观察
下面关于Saint Jerome的翻译观点,正确的是______。 A.I have always aimed at translating sense, not words. B.I have always aimed at translating words, not sense. C.I have always aimed at translating both sense and words. D.I have always aimed at translating neither sense nor words