
寻找职工的来源和吸引他们到企业应征的过程指的是人员( )。
绩效反馈最主要的方式是 ( )
下列属于物质激励的激励形式有( )
由若干个工资部分组合而成的工资形式称( )。
下面几个选项相比之下,哪一项不直接涉及劳动者切身利益 ( )
工作分析中方法分析常用的方法是( )。
为使分配公正合理,必须对每一职务在企业中的相对价值、贡献和地位,进行客观、准确、数量化的评估并加以排序。这是职务分析的哪一项主要内容( )
企业在招募、选择、录用和安置员工的过程中所发生的费用称为( )。
岗位设置的基本原则是( )。
在社会和人力资源市场中,组织的薪酬标准具有吸引力,从而战胜竞争对手,引入所需人才,这体现出企业构建薪酬系统的( )。
晋升、降职和调动这几种人员配置的具体形式属于人员配置模型中的( )。
首先选择职务评价要素,然后对各要素划分等级并分别赋予分值,再以每个要素为标准进行比较的方法是( )。
ERG理论的提出者是( )。
企业招收应届毕业生最主要的途径是( )。
360度考核所面临的最大难题是( )。
某公司今年离职人员数为30,而今年在职人员的平均数为150,那么该公司的人员变动率是( )。
公平理论中的横向比较可以用一个公式来表示,即:OP/IP=OC/IC,以下描述正确的是( )。
以下哪一项不是外部招聘的优点( )。
针对人力资源群体开发,可以达到“1+1>2”的整体优势功效的人力资源开发原理是( )。
工作评价是指通过确定岗位的( )来划分岗位等级及相应工资的方法?
His salary as a driver is much higher than________. ( )
·a porter
·is a porter
·as a porter
·that of a porter
he wonders ____will happeto her private life ithe future.( )
Excuse me , could you show me the way to the nearest post office ______Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the GreeAvenue . You can.t miss it.( )
·I beg your pardon
·What do you mean
·Mm, let me think.
What a beautiful dress you have otoday!_________ .( )
·It is suitable for me .
·You want to have one , too
·Thank you .
Is it possible for you to work late tonight_______. ( )
·I like it.
·I think so
What a beautiful dress you have otoday!________. ( )
·It is suitable for me .
·You want to have one , too
·Thank you .
T hanks for the lovely and delicious food .___________. ( )
·No thanks
·Never mind
·All right
·My pleasure
Excuse me , how much is the jacketIt.s 499 Yua. ________ ( )
·How do you like it
·Which do you prefer
·Would you like to try it on
How tall is your sister_________ ( )
·She is not very well .
·She is 28 years old .
·She is very nice .
·She is as tall as I am.
Shall we go out for dinner tonight_________( )
·Yes, please .
·Sorry, I have
What a beautiful dress you have otoday! ( )
·It is suitable for me .
·You want to have one , too
·Thank you .
I.m looking for a shirt for my father . ( )
·What size do you wear
·What caI do for you
· How about this one
·What size does your father wear
Congratulations! You wothe first prize itoday.s speech contest.________.( )
·Yes, I beat the others.
·Thank you .
Hello,may I speak to Mr.Clinton_________ ( )
·Yes, I am Clinto.
·Thank you for calling me .
·This is Clintospeaking .
·Yes, who are you
Samuel Clemens, ________ as Mark Twai, was one of the most famous Americawriters. ( )
·to know
·to be known
Did you know that David injured his leg yesterdayReally_______ ( )
·Who did that
·How did that happen
·Why was he so careless
He asked the waiter ________ the bill. ( )
Could you tell us _______her aunt will stay here ( )
·how long
Hey, Tom , what.s up__________.( )
·Yes, definitely!
·Oh , not much .
·What is happening iyour life
·You are lucky.
WheLily came home at 5 pm . yesterday, her mother _____dinner ithe kitche.( )
·was cooking
·has cooked
T his is heavy! What.s iit_________.( )
·My new computer. I just bought it.
·Are you really interested iit
Let me introduce myself. I.m Steward ._________( )
·What a pleasure .
I think he is a good lecturer .________( )
·So do I.
I think he is a good lecturer ._________( )
·So do I.
____ she survived the accident is miracle .( )
T he grey building is the place where the workers live , and the white building is the place where the spare parts _____.( )
·are producing
·are produced
·being produced
I oftesee ______ the road ohis way home. ( )
·he cross
·him cross
·him crossed
·he crossing
Glad to see you back . How long ______ iRussia( )
·did you stay
·have you stayed
·were you staying
·have you beestaying
It.s not easy for Chinese students _______English well. ( )
·o learn