
She was too to put her thoughts into words. (excit)
I.ve been ___ this position for five years, and I won.t resign whatever happens.(hold)
Where did you put the books we ____ yesterday? (buy)
It.s your ___. How can you put the blame on others (false)
The ship rocked ____from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness. (violent)
China ___ the hope that the talks about unclear weapons control should be held recently.(express)
He had an illusion when he entered the hotel that the gatekeeper was a ___.(detect)
The company commander has ____ order from the General Staff that his company would move to the front.(receive)
_____ the enemy.s missiles blowing the village to pieces, all the villagers were burning with anger.(See)
The committee has ____ that the next year.s conference be held in Xi.an.(resolve)
He has ____ this advertising company for six years. (serve)
It seems that his flattery ____this time. ( work )
My ___ grandfather can not bear the severe winter in the North.(80)
Have you ever seen a supermarket more ____ than this one?(crowd)
I.ve never met such an ____ person as you. (reason)
For this part, you are allowed to write a short essay entitled More Striving Spirit Needed. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:  1. 社会上不少人认为,现在的青年学生拼搏精神不够  2. 对此你的看法是….
Topicp:Explain culture shock and four stages of adjustment with the help of the follow outline. 1.the honeymoon 2. the crisis 3. the recovry 4. the sdjustment.
Writea pargraph of about 120 words about bribery and the bribery in China.
Write a paregraph of about 150 words on this topic:The most important thing I think I should learn at college.
Write a paragraph about Rachel Carson in about 120 words.