
管理会计不受“公认的会计原则”的完全限制,进行短期经营决策时,可以不执行历史成本原则。 ( )
下列对账工作中,属于账实核对的是( )。
10.投资决策分析使用的静态投资指标主要有( )
企业生产经营预算通常是在( )的基础上进行的。
The boys are sweating all over. They().
A. must be working
B. must have been working
C. may be working
D. must work
really was not certain what I would do with the years()me.
A. in the front of
B. ahead of
C. out of
D. away from
Please ()out when the ship sails for Shanghai.
A. look
B. find
C. search
D. research
Their dialogue was so funny that we all () laughter.
A. broke into
B. broke up
C. broke away
D. broke out
He raised his arm to () his face from the below.
A. protest
B. protect
C. prevent
D. stop
In comparison with its own size, a blade of grass looks() to an ant as a tree does to a human being.
A. tall
B. as tall
C. taller
D. no less tall
he bought his wife a present.
A. On his way to home
B. On his way home
C. In his way home
D. In his way to home
Please ()anytime you are in town. I shall be glad to see you.
A. call for
B. call out
C. call upon
D. call in
When will the performance begin?——().
A. About one hour
B. After one hour
C. In one hour
D. At one hour
With all the noise outside, I could hardly () my paper writing.
A. find out
B. work up
C. concentrate on
D. look over
He works too hard. That is is wrong with him.
A. that which
B. that what
C. what
D. the thing what
Is he very strict with you? ——().
A. Yeah. He seldom smiles.
B. Yeah.He is not kind.
C. Yeah. He makes us excited.
D. Yeah. He is afraid.
Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular ().
A. gaps
B. rate
C. length
D. intervals
When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid()I was not able to do well in my studies.
A. of
B. at
C. but
D. that
In the accident Jack was() dead than alive.
A. so
B. less
C. as
D. more
Mercury freezes if it is cooled to ().
A. a low too temperature
B. a too low temperature
C. too low temperature
D. too low a temperature
If you don’t want to get wet, then you’d better () this umbrella with you.
A. take
B. taken
C. to take
D. taking
Only by chance ().
A. I heard that her mother had died
B. did I hear that her mother had died
C. Had I heard that her mother had died
D. I had heard that her mother had died
A. She walked up the long flight of stairs to the company‘s office.
B. I‘m so tired that I can‘t focus my attention on anything.
C. I can tell you where to get this book.
D. Eight people, include two women, were injured in the explosion.
A:()?——B:Sure, it.s just around the corner.
A. Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Sunny Hotel
B. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Sunny Hotel
C. Is this Sunny Hotel?
D. Excuse me. Where is Sunny Hotel
A. The press invade people.s pirate unjustifiably every day.
B. The press invade people.s piracy unjustifiably every day.
C. The press invade people.s privacy unjustifiably every day.
D. The press invade people.s private unjustifiably every day.
A. In the course ofyour English learning, you should be ready to take the rough and the smooth.
B. At the process of your English learning, you should be ready to take the rough and the smooth.
C. On the stage of your English learning, you should be ready to take the rough and the smooth.
D. In the shape of your English learning, you should be ready to take the rough and the smooth.
A. The scientists are trying out the new medicine to see how well it works.
B. For such a famous, wealthy man, his personally life was surprisingly simple.
C. Their family was quite different from my own, yet I felt at home with them immediately.
D. Most athletes are at their best during their youth
A:What can I do for you?——B:()。
A. You can buy me a drink.
B. I need a pair of pants.
C. I.m looking for a sports shirt.
D. Please show me that tie, the dark one with white dots.
A. To some extension this was the truth.
B. By some extension this was the truth.
C. To some extent this was the truth.
D. By some extent this was the truth.
A:()?——B:It sells at $ 2 a bottle.
A. How much do you charge for?
B. How much should I pay for?
C. How much does it cost?
D. What does it sell?
A. If you want to learn the language well, you should often put it into use.
B. If you want to learn the language well, you should often put use into it.
C. use it into pudding.
D. If you want to learn the language well, you should often use it into put.
We are looking forward to ()(visit) the Great Wall again.
According to () they have told me, they should return within about one week.
The students will take winter vacation () (sometime) in February.
Finding a job in such a big company has always been () his wildest dreams.
I.d rather read than watch television; the programs seem ()(get worse) all the time.
As () announced in today.s papers, the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sunday.
It took the workers two years()(build)the bridge.
It is useful to be able to predict the extent () which a price change will affect supply and demand.
自我意识是指人对自身以及自己同周围世界的关系的觉知,下列那一项不属于自我意识的范畴( )
A. 自我认识
B. 自我体验
C. 自我感觉

对于小学生正式群体而言,其内部成员间在价值上保持较高的__,而非正式群体之间在价值取向上存在着较多的__。( )
A. 同质性 差异性
B. 一致性 差异性
C. 一致性 独立性
D. 同质性 独立性
学校对学生教育管理的具体执行者是( )。
A. 任课教师
B. 班主任
C. 教导处
D. 校长
奠定了班级组织的理论基础的著作是( )
A. 《论语》

C. 《大教学论》
班级环境管理包括( )和物质环境等方面的管理
A. 制度环境

C. 课堂环境
D. 规范环境
教育是人类钍会持有的现象,任何社会进步与个人发展都离不开教育。表明教肓具有(   )  

A. 永恒性
B. 依附性 
C. 时代性  
目标管理的班级管理方法,是由美国的( )提出的
A. 德鲁克
B. 马卡连柯
C. 杜威
D. 布鲁纳
对于班干部的产生,班主任应当( )
A. 老师任命

C. 家长推荐
A. 班级活动
B. 班级目标
C. 班级教育
D. 班级管理
少先队的基本思路是“先组织再教育”,在发展队员是确立( )的原则。
A. 个别入队
B. 全童入队
C. 自愿入队
D. 适龄者入队