
_ learning has a lot to do with your hard work.(3.0分)3.0 分 A、 successful B、 succeed C、 success D、 succe
I have searched all the book stores in this town. The book you asked for is not _____. (3.0分)0.0 分 A、 vivid B、 tedious C、 available D、 sufficient
Everyone is _to have many money. (3.0分)3.0 分 A、 good B、 eager C、 look D、 full
He poured out his _ before me.(3.0分)3.0 分 A、 complaints B、 complaint C、 complaining D、 complained
I have heard both teachers and students_well of him. (3.0分)3.0 分 A、 speak B、 spoken C、 to speak D、 to have spoken
The birth rate in a city ____ to fall as its gross domestic product (GDP) rises steady. (3.0分)3.0 分 A、 estimated B、 anticipates C、 assumes D、 tends
A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners‘ curiosity _____ he reaches the end of his story. (3.0分)3.0 分 A、 when B、 unless C、 after D、 till
The two countries _ friendly foreign relationship with each other.(3.0分)3.0 分 A、 keep B、 have C、 survey D、 vital
_ it easy for michelle to get up early in the morning. (3.0分)0.0 分 A、 This B、 What C、 Is D、 That
It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our 1 strength A 、 brainB 、physicalC 、 mentalD 、 body
we will learn the importance of 2 (2)A 、corporationB 、distractionC 、cooperation D 、 occupation
Sports can also 3 us relax after a period of exhausting work. (3)A 、 helpB 、 forceC 、encourage D 、move
However, as the 4 goes, "there are two sides to everything" (4)A 、 wordsB 、sayingC 、meaningD 、 thinking
and sports are 5 exception (5)A 、 inB 、forC 、withoutD 、 no
We may 6 other players or ourselves if (6)A 、 damageB 、 destroyC 、 hurtD 、strike
e are not careful enough when participating 7 sports activities. (7)A 、 in B 、on C 、to D 、of
excessive or severe training can do harm 8 our health. (8)A 、for B 、inC 、toD 、on
It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote 9 between people. (9)A 、 healthB 、 feelingC 、friendship D 、 benefit
So long as we are careful enough, sports can do us nothing 10 good. (10)A 、 withB 、 butC 、to D 、 without
What is the best title of the passage? A、The Agriculatural Trends of 1950’s B、The Unemployment Rate of 1950’s C、U.S. Economy in the 50’s D、The Federal Budget of 1952
In Line 3, the word “boom” could best be replaced by______. A、nearby explosion B、thunderous noise C、 general public support D、rapid economic growth
It can be inferred the national from the passage that most people in the United States in 1955 viewed the national economy with an air of _________. A、 confidence B、confusion C、disappointment D、suspicion
Which of the following were LEAST satisfied with the national economy in the 1950’s? A、Economists B、Frmaers C、Politicians D、Steelworkers
The passage states that incom available for spending in the U.S. was greater in 1955 than in 1950 . How much was it ? A、60% B、30% C、33% D、90%
【判断题】One of the first things you would have to do is open a checking accant.
【判断题】Cheking accounts have other advantages as well.
【判断题】You balance could not go under 300.
【判断题】Many banks offer their customers a choice ,between two kinds of accounts.
【判断题】There is no charge if the day ment is received promplty.
【单选题】If I _ a care ,I would go with you. A、had B、have C、having D、been have
【单选题】We thought it foolish _ you to do it. A、for B、at C、with D、in
【判断题】You pay a small maintenance charge once a month.
【判断题】Checking accounts are only one of many servies a bank offers.
Credit cards a convenient way of paying hotel bills
Credit cards can also be used forcash sdvances.
You can readily cash traveler.s checks almost any where.
【单选题】You seem very sure of _ young man. A、yourself B、myself C、herself D、himself
【单选题】Though their _ differed they got along as friends. A、personalities B、personality C、personal D、person
【单选题】John is familiar _ the roads here. A、with B、on C、in D、at
【单选题】He quickly became accustomed _ the local fold. A、to B、in C、on D、withjkf
【判断题】A lot of people.s whole lives would change if they did just that.
【判断题】If anyone has ever done this to you ,you probably did not like him very much.
【判断题】In general ,he says,"people like people who like themselves."
【判断题】It.s like getting used to a new car.
【判断题】If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed.
【单选题】_ to an expert view ,the vicyory is not yet deccided A、According B、Accord C、Accorded D、According
【单选题】I don.t know _ I can help you. A、whether B、what C、that D、this
【判断题】If anyone has ever done th to you.
【判断题】In my view ,war is a game in which both sides lose.
【判断题】This selection belongs to the category of popularpsychology.