When the adopted children grow up in America, they will be confronted with the problem of identity and race, making them feel isolated sometimes.

Adopting children from a different culture is not an easy experience which requires parents to be most careful about the choices.

Parents should not be too obsessed about the cultural traditions. What is important is to let the kids know about their birth culture and leave it to their interest.

To create a right environment for their adopted children, some parents choose to live in the community with diverse cultures and races.

Brian and Cheryl Boyd have made varied attempts to help Sarah establish the link to her native culture, making it easy for her to bridge it with the American culture she grows up in.

Cross-culture adoption of children started in the mid 20th century and the 1995 legislation contributed to its popularity.

Today, it.s believed to be much important for parents with adopted children to accept and integrate with their children.s native cultures.

Parents are advised to take their adopted kids to their birth country if the children are very curious about and interested in it.

When given the chance of cross-racial adoption, some parents did not hesitate to do so even though they had not planned to.

Families with adopted children were once advised to cut the children.s links to their culture of origin.
