Lisa is analyzing the questionnaire about online shopping.

Lily: Hi,Lisa. Pretty busy? Right?

Lisa: Yeah,I.m collecting data from the questionnaires for the online shoppers on the 回答


Lily: Really? Sounds interesting.

Lisa: Well,the results are quite 回答

. What do you think are the most popular things people buy online?

Lily: Definitely,clothes.

Lisa: No,at first I thought so too,but the results show that I.m wrong.

Lily: How could that be? If the most popular thing being sold online is not clothes,then what is it?

Lisa: Don.t feel surprised. 回答

the survey,online courses 回答

the first place,especially the courses for accounting and languages.

Lily: Really? It.s unbelievable. What.s next? It should be the clothes or snacks,right?

Lisa: You are wrong again,the results shocked me too. Following online courses,health products 回答

the second place.

Lily: That really surprised me,too. You just taught me a lesson and 回答

my understanding about online shopping.

Lisa: Have a seat,and let me show you some more unexpected results.

Lily: OK! I.m really 回答

about it.