
一个奶牛能量单位,即一个NND,是指一千克乳脂率为4%的标准乳的能量,即( )。(单选题)
Communication and Gender in Business
1 According to popular American linguist , Deborah Tannen , communication habits
vary depending on individual personality , culture , and among other factors , gender. Sincemale ways of communicating are standard in business , women. s ways oftalking are oftenignored or misunderstood in the workplace. Tannen emphasizes that female and male stylesare both valid. Here are some of Tannen. s main points.
2 Conversational styles in boys and girls show up early. Even 5-year-old boys care abouttheir rank in the group , while 5-year-old girls care more about being in or out of thegroup. Therefore , men. s conversational styles often use competition , while women try tokeep the appearance of equality.
3 Women tend to apologize more than men , as an attempt to restore the powerbalancein conversation. When men simply accept the apology rather than part of the responsibility ,women feel unjustly blamed.
4 Western women favor indirect ways of speaking , which s interpreted by Western
men as showing insecurity and lack of confidence. However, this gender difference is also acultural difference: Japanese business culture demands indirectness , and the direct approachused by Western businessmen is often seen as rude by the Japanese.
5 In business , women are often blamed if they "talking like a woman" (soft , indirect ,
cautious) , but are also blamed if they "talk like a man" (bossy, aggressive).
6 We have strong negative images of women in authority: Wicked Witch and Mother ,80 women bossyare judged not as bosses but as women.
7 Gender differences show most strongly not in individuals but in group settings. In a
group of men and women, women tend to become silent bystanders, while men are activeparticipants.
8 Males and females in Western culture speak different body languages. Men often
spread out their limbs, taking up a lot of space, gesture widely , speak in loud tones , andengage in direct eye contact. These behaviors communicate power and high status. Womenhold in their limbs, take up little space, make small gestures , speak in soft voices , andlower their eyes frequently. These behaviors give away power and announce low status.
9 Males interrupt females much more than they interrupt other males , and more often
than females interrupt either mates or females.10 Research has shown that there is nothing "natural" about male or female language ,but that these gender habits simply show the stereotyped role in which society puts men andwomen.
unjustly (paragraph 3)(单选题)
展览营销调查的方法中,( )优点是不需要调查员亲自到场,节省了调查的人力、物力和财力,调查成本低。(单选题)
更年期综合征最具特征性的症状(  )(单选题)
<strong>Tick the right headlines forto articles A–D.</strong>
<strong>1 </strong>A judge in Argentina ordered a parrot to be held in custody until he said the name of his owner. Two neighbours, Jorge Machado and R Vega, had both claimed Pepo was theirs. After five days, Pepo said Jorge’s name and sang the anthem of his favourite football team. Mr. Machado said: ‘I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He’s a real friend and we _________ support San Lorenzo.’

<strong><strong>2 </strong></strong>A burglar who stole from a cartoonist in Australia was arrested after his victim drew his picture. Bill Green, 82, saw the man take a bicycle_________ his shed. He gave his sketch to police, who matched it to a man arrested after a different theft. Policeman Michael Henry said: ‘We were amazed. The cartoon was the spitting image of the man we’d just caught.’

<strong>3 </strong>A woman from Iowa is alleged to have faked her own death to avoid paying $500 in parking tickets. Police say Kimberly Du, 36, was caught after she got a ticket a month after her ‘death’. She had faked her own obituary and forged a letter saying she had died in a car crash. She now faces up to five years in prison_________fraud.

<strong><strong>4 </strong></strong>A goldfish carried from its garden pond by floods has_________found alive in a water-filled hole by the roadside more 5-- a mile away. Farmer Ab Oskam, 66, was walking his dog when he recognised the fish as one of three belonging to his neighbours. ‘It was a miracle such a delicate little thing survived,’ he said. The fish has now been named Nemo.
.Fish found in miracle escape
.Thief caught by cartoon
.Parrot held in jail
.Woman fakes death over fines
__using namespace std;
__int main(){
__ __int x={2,4,6,8,10,12}, s=0;
__ __for(int i=1; i<6; i+=2) s+=x[i];
__ __cout<<s;
__ __return 0;
运行此程序的输出是1 。(填空题)
能直接体现物业管理企业财务风险和债权利益保障程度的是( )。(单选题)
以下属于现代康复疗法的是( )。(多选题)
公司虚构收入用于骗取上市资格,这种行为属于( )(单选题)
. 会计差错
. 会计错误
. 会计舞弊
. 会计信息失真
对于攻击性行为比较严重的幼儿,只要家园携手,科学改造幼儿,幼儿的攻击性行为会慢慢消失的,常用的方法有哪些。( )(多选题)
Aselect 商品代号,分类名,单价,数量,单价*数量 as 总价值
   from 商品表1
   order by 5 desc
Bselect *
  from 商品表1
  where 数量 between 10 and 20 (或where 数量>=10 and 数量<=20)
Cselect *
  from 商品表1
  where单价>all(select 单价
   from 商品表1
   where 分类名=.空调器.
Dselect distinct 学生.*
  from 学生,选课
  where 学生.学生号=选课.学生号 and 学生.姓名<>.刘芹.
     and 课程号=any(select 课程号
     from 学生,选课
  where 学生.学生号=选课.学生号 and 姓名=.刘芹.
Eselect 分类名
  from 商品表1
  group by 分类名 having count(*)>1

对应的查询语句为: (4)
对应的查询语句为: (5) __2__(cloze)
在先天麻痹性斜视中,最常见的麻痹肌是( )(单选题)
我国教育委员会颁布的《幼儿园工作规程》明确规定:幼儿每日户外体育活动不得少于( )小时。
.B.1.5 \xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0
教学活动是一个学生在教师引导下自主发现和努力创新的过程。( )(判断题)
关于蒸发器检修,甲说应清洁排泄管路,并清除积聚底板的水分。乙说如属泄漏,应对泄漏处进行焊补。你认为以上观点( )。(单选题)
标准的导航栏通常会显示两种使用状态,分别是( )。(多选题)
旅馆客房宜采用哪种空调方式 ( )(单选题)
<img alt="" height="260" src="/api/uploads/1512486/in-rich-contentcreated_at=1647286798" width="198">
危机沟通与一般沟通相比,具有的特殊性有( )。(多选题)
《解冻》 (1) (填空题)
若事件<em>A</em>,<em>B</em>满足<img alt="" src="/api/uploads/884014/in-rich-contentcreated_at=1637146697">,则<em>A</em>与<em>B</em>一定(  ).(单选题)
开头开始下列哪一个市场是资本市场( )。(单项选择题)
Pig can be made to grow fast because of ___________.(单选题)
.an “antifreeze” gene of Arctic fish
.a human gene
.a disease resistant gene
.an antibiotic resistant gene
影响试卷信度的因素不包括( )。(单选题)
政府运用审批权,所针对的主要是( )。(单选题)
8.按规定为长住宾客提供特殊少洗护用品。床单、被套和枕套五天更换一次。( )(判断题)
有些植物也有生物钟。( )(判断题)(判断题)
<strong>Tick the right headlines forto articles A–D.</strong>
<strong>1 </strong>A judge in Argentina ordered a parrot to be held in custody until he said the name of his owner. Two neighbours, Jorge Machado and R Vega, had both claimed Pepo was theirs. After five days, Pepo said Jorge’s name and sang the anthem of his favourite football team. Mr. Machado said: ‘I knew he wouldn’t let me down. He’s a real friend and we _________ support San Lorenzo.’

<strong><strong>2 </strong></strong>A burglar who stole from a cartoonist in Australia was arrested after his victim drew his picture. Bill Green, 82, saw the man take a bicycle_________ his shed. He gave his sketch to police, who matched it to a man arrested after a different theft. Policeman Michael Henry said: ‘We were amazed. The cartoon was the spitting image of the man we’d just caught.’

<strong>3 </strong>A woman from Iowa is alleged to have faked her own death to avoid paying $500 in parking tickets. Police say Kimberly Du, 36, was caught after she got a ticket a month after her ‘death’. She had faked her own obituary and forged a letter saying she had died in a car crash. She now faces up to five years in prison_________fraud.

<strong><strong>4 </strong></strong>A goldfish carried from its garden pond by floods has_________found alive in a water-filled hole by the roadside more 5-- a mile away. Farmer Ab Oskam, 66, was walking his dog when he recognised the fish as one of three belonging to his neighbours. ‘It was a miracle such a delicate little thing survived,’ he said. The fish has now been named Nemo.
.Fish found in miracle escape
.Thief caught by cartoon
.Parrot held in jail
.Woman fakes death over fines
Aselect 商品代号,分类名,单价,数量,单价*数量 as 总价值
   from 商品表1
   order by 5 desc
Bselect *
  from 商品表1
  where 数量 between 10 and 20 (或where 数量>=10 and 数量<=20)
Cselect *
  from 商品表1
  where单价>all(select 单价
   from 商品表1
   where 分类名=.空调器.
Dselect distinct 学生.*
  from 学生,选课
  where 学生.学生号=选课.学生号 and 学生.姓名<>.刘芹.
     and 课程号=any(select 课程号
     from 学生,选课
  where 学生.学生号=选课.学生号 and 姓名=.刘芹.
Eselect 分类名
  from 商品表1
  group by 分类名 having count(*)>1

对应的查询语句为: (4)
对应的查询语句为: (5) __2__(完形填空)
用( )方法可以提供团队支持。(单选题).强调负面惩罚.,.
成功的职业素质因素包括( )(多选题).能力素质.,.
练习1(判断):公共政策一旦形成和实施,依然不会对环境产生反作用,从而导致环境的改善和重塑。( )(判断题).对.错
<a href="http://lms.ouchn.cn:80/api/uploads/audio/285137">点击听音频</a>
Judy doesn.t like to play games that require her to think hard. __1__2. Henry is good at darts. __2__3. Henry used to play dominos with his parents every day. __3__4. Judy enjoys playing cards online. __4__5. Judy is an expert at mahjong. __5____2__(完形填空).T.F
《招标投标法》规定,投标人以向招标人行贿的手段谋取中标的,其法律责任是( )。(单项选择题)情节严重的取消其5年以上参加投标的资格并予以公告 #处中标项目金额5%以上10%以下的罚款 #对单位直接负责人处单位罚款金额1%以上5%以下的罚款 #情节严重的,可由工商行政管理机关吊销营业执照 #
自动喷洒系统管网可布置成树状,每个配水支管上最多装 ( )个喷头。(单选题).4 .6.8.12
工程进度款的计算方法主要有( )。(多选题).工料单价法.合理计价法.综合单价法.材料价差补充法.合同价款调整法
软件著作权受法律保护的期限是( )。一旦保护期限届满,权利将自行终止,成为社会公众可以自由使用的知识。(单选题).10年.,.
企业文化是一只"无形之手", 这表明企业文化要遵循( )。