
The ____ of a ship is the top part of it that forms a floor in the open air.
The woman is very patient __ the customers. 选择一项: a. with b. to c. for d. on
Please write to me __. 选择一项: a. as soon as you can b. as sooner as possible c. as quick as possible d. as quicker as possible
____ you involved in the traffic accident? 选择一项: a. Have b. Are c. Do d. Did
He is not aware ____ what he has done. 选择一项: a. for b. to c. about d. of
The heavy rain ___ the road. 选择一项: a. hurt b. injured c. damaged d. hazard
He took __ part in the activity. 选择一项: a. an active b. a dynamic c. a positive d. energetic
He has __ come back from my holiday. 选择一项: a. simply b. only c. just d. even
He likes to __ stamps as his hobby. 选择一项: a. collect b. raise c. gather d. pick
He was a young sailor on his first sea ___. 选择一项: a. journey b. trip c. travel d. voyage
He has __ for music. 选择一项: a. an intelligence b. an talent c. a creativity d. a mind
State TV faces competition from satellite TV. State TV faces competition from the Internet. 答案:State TV
It is possible to start up your own newspaper. It is possible to start up your own website. 答案:It is
Local companies are able to produce radio and TV programmes. Local companies are able to broadcast them. 答案:Local companies are回答
You can watch a terrorist attack. You can see it as it happens. 答案:You can
By whom was the book written?
To whom did you speak when you phoned?
The company from whom I received the letter will contact us again.
With whom did you go to the meeting?
By whom was the letter sent?
The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a month.
The garage owner from whom I bought the car said he would repair it.
Bob Smith: “Murder is one of the least frequently committed crimes.” (to report)
The spokesman: “There are three main risks in viewing media violence.” (to state)
The Prime Minister: “We’ll reduce crime figures in the next five years.” (to announce)
The doctor: “Yes, people are getting more fearful of violence.” (to agree)
The teacher: “Schoolchildren watch too many violent films.” (to complain) 回答
The teenager: “Violent films on TV are not bad for me.” (to deny)
The father: “I will take you all to the cinema tomorrow.” (to promise)
The witness: “I saw them start the fight.” (to claim)
Poll reveals TV news too negative A recent Time/CNN poll in the USA has discovered that 75% of people agreed that the news media is "sensationalist", 63% found it "too negative" and 73% said they are " (1)____ the accuracy" of the news they are receiving. Local news programmes in the USA are so dominated by stories of violence and crime (2)____ other topics like government, education and the environment are left with little airtime. Network broadcaster John Walters claimed, “This lack of information has (3)____ negative feelings towards the media.” Crime reports, which often serve (4)____ lead stories, make up an average of 30.2% of news time on local TV news programmes in the USA. Media researcher Bob Smith reported, “53% of crime reports are about murder, but it is one of the least frequently (5)____ crimes.” Another media study revealed that 42% of all local TV news broadcasts are stories about crime, disaster and war. One possible reason (6)____ this is that local television news is ratings driven. Some market research suggests that viewers like to see stories of crime and violence, (7)____ increases the ratings of newscasts. Higher ratings mean higher advertising revenues. Mike Adams, a television executive, explained, "The increase in crime reports is because, (8)____ , almost half the money a local station makes comes from news." Many experts believe a steady diet of violence-oriented news broadcasts has serious effects. A spokesman for the National Television Violence Committee stated, “There are three main risks associated (9)____ viewing media violence. People learn aggressive behaviour. They become desensitised (10)____ real-world violence. These lead to an increased fear of being a victim of violence, resulting in mistrust of others.” 1. A. sure about B. doubt about C. sceptical about D. interested in 2. A. what B. that C. which D. – 3. A. resulted from B. been caused by C. leaded to D. resulted in 4. A. as B. with C. in D. – 5. A. commit B. committing C. committed D. to commit 6. A. with B. for C. in D. at 7. A. that B. what C. which D. – 8. A. in average B. on general C. in the whole D. on average 9. A. to B. with C. at D. and 10. A. to B. with C.at D. in
— You may have seen this film. — _________________. 选择一项: A. It was shown the next week B. You may have seen it too C. Actually, I haven’t seen it yet D. It is said to cost much money
— I really enjoy pop music. What’s your favorite? — _________________. 选择一项: A. So did I B. Yes, I like pop music very much C. I don’t like pop music at all D. Well, actually I like classical music
— Whose car is this? — _________________. 选择一项: A. It’s my uncle’s B. It’s my uncle C. It’s a Japanese car D. My uncle made it
This is the dictionary ______________ I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words. 选择一项: A. on which B. with which C. for which D. in which
Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas. 选择一项: A. 内战或地区冲突也会引发社会动荡不安,从而迫使人们逃离农村地区。 B. 内战和地区冲突会引起不安,所以人选择离开农村。 C. 内战或地区冲突也带来分裂,人们只好离开农村地区。
The TV programmes are not suitable for children since they are dominated by violence and crime. 选择一项: A. 由于这些电视节目充斥着暴力和犯罪,所以不适合小孩儿看。 B. 因为电视节目里都是暴力和犯罪,所以不适合孩子看。 C. 电视节目不适合孩子,是因为他们被暴力和犯罪所统治。
She went to bed early last night, so she should be up now. 选择一项: A. 她昨晚很早就睡了,所以现在应该起床了。 B. 她昨晚早早睡觉了,所以现在应该很高兴。 C. 她昨晚早早上床了,所以现在很高兴。
— I really enjoy pop music. What’s your favorite? — _________________. 选择一项: A. Yes, I like pop music very much B. I don’t like pop music at all C. So did I D. Well, actually I like classical music
— Come to our house for a party, please. — _________________. 选择一项: A. Here’s my address B. Oh, thank you for your kindness C. See you at four tomorrow D. I’m not busy
— What time is the next flight to Washington? — _________________. 选择一项: A. It sounds good B. It’s a smaller one C. It’s 1: 45 pm D. It’s too late
I spent most of my money in the first week and ____ had very little for food at the end of the holiday. 选择一项: A. consequently B. moreover C. however D. since
He broke __ the candy and gave each child a small piece. 选择一项: A. off B. up C. out D. down
Young children soon _______________ words they hear their elders use. 选择一项: A. pick up B. put forward C. turn up D. look forward to
There are many cities _________________ very fast. 选择一项: A. expanding B. expands C. expand D. expanded
Such changes can alter the social structure, _________ people to move. 选择一项: A. which led B. leads C. which leading D. leading
Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, __________ people out of rural areas. 选择一项: A. drives B. drove C. driven D. driving
People must be educated to know how important this new technology is. 选择一项: A. 必须告诉人们这种技术很重要。 B. 必须教给人们相关的知识,让他们知道这种新技术的重要性。 C. 必须教育人们这种技术的重要性。
Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas. 选择一项: A. 内战或地区冲突也会引发社会动荡不安,从而迫使人们逃离农村地区。 B. 内战或地区冲突也带来分裂,人们只好离开农村地区。 C. 内战和地区冲突会引起不安,所以人选择离开农村。
She went to bed early last night, so she should be up now. 选择一项: A. 她昨晚很早就睡了,所以现在应该起床了。 B. 她昨晚早早上床了,所以现在很高兴。 C. 她昨晚早早睡觉了,所以现在应该很高兴。