
游戏的主体性本质观,促使我们在促进和引导儿童游戏的实践中,必须以( )
可以判断儿童没有在游戏的表情状态是( )
选择玩具最基本的标准是( )
游戏的剩余精力说代表人物是德国思想家( )
最初象征性游戏开始发生在( )
按照儿童认知发展对游戏进行分类的首创者是( )
学前儿童最早出现的游戏形式是( )
The childre_______ many times not to go near the lake.
·were being told
·have told
·have beetold
He can’t speak French, _______caI.
A wise mother never ______ her childreto the slightest possibility of danger.
Don’t talk so loudly. The baby ______
·is sleeping
·have slept
·will sleep
The Quee_______ oTV tomorrow morning.
·is to speak
·is speaking
He didn’t go to bed until he ______ his homework
·had finished
·was finishing
·have finished
–How did you like yesterday’s weather –Generally speaking,.
·it’s 26 degrees
·it was quite good
·it liked sunny
·it looked like it
– It’s so hot today. I simply can’t work. –.
·So do I
·I would like it very much
·I don’t know
·I don’t like it at all
– I hope the snow will let up. –.
·Well, this is January
·No, no soon
·Yes, but I don’t know
·Sunny and pleasant today
– How is the weather today –
·How could you ask that
·It’s hot and sticky.
·Yes, it’s cloudy.
·Are you sure you want to know
Her ______ was iconference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.
Susawas determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid _______.
Fifty per cent of road accidents result ______head injuries.
He had no plans to retire _______he is now very comfortably off.
While a ______ amount of stress cabe beneficial, too much stress caexhaust you.
The plant ____________ particularly well ithe local area.
He made a speech to call oyoung persons’ ____________ commitment to world peace.
____________ frequently performed, the works of Beethovealways attract large audiences.
Imy opinion, we didn’t have to make such a ____________ to them.
If you ask me why I decide to study biology iBritain, the only answer is that it is a ____________ for me.
Don’t think I’m joking. I ____________ business.
If we all work together, I believe we ca____________ our goal.
The two pictures are ____________. We don’t know which one is the original.
My four year-old daughter was ____________ othe sofa.
The captaiof the ship ____________ the passengers that there was no danger.
– It’s starting to snow. – Starting to snow.
·They are ready for the snow
·It is typical December weather
·Once it starts, it’ll snow a lot
·It has beesnowing for some time
She left the receptioia hurry because she ____________ arrive at the airport so early the next morning.
·had to
·used to
The government is trying to do something to ____________ better understanding betweethe two countries.
All his energies are ____________ upothe job and he seems to have little time for his family.
His expenses were not ____________ his earnings; therefore he decided to hunt for another job.
·icontrast to
对于具有对称平面的物体,为了既表达其内部结构,又表达其外部形状,最好做 半剖视图。()
工艺流程图式用来表达化工生产工艺流程的,主要包括方案流程图、 物料流程图、施工流程图。()
图样中的线性尺寸,以mm 为单位时,不需要写单位符号,如采用其他单位,则必须写相应的单位符号。()