
脊膜瘤与神经鞘瘤的鉴别要点是( )
属于CT机特殊功能软件的是:( )
CT检查前的工作程序,不包括:( )
连续扫描对CT设备的要求是:( )①球管热容量大 ②球管散热率高 ③计算机运算速度快 ④扫描时间更长 ⑤扫描范围更大
不是生理性钙化的是( )
有关弥漫性星形细胞肿瘤叙述错误的是( )
肾细胞癌中最常见的组织学亚型为( )
关于肾结核,以下描述错误的是( )
以下关于肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤的描述,正确的是( )
· CT平扫检查,密度类似于水
· CT增强检查,肿块强化且廓清迅速
· T1WI上,肿块信号强度类似肝实质
· T2WI上,肿块信号强度类似肝实质
右侧主支气管完全阻塞后可见( )
· 右侧一侧性肺不张
It cabe concluded from the passage that ______.
·we should try our best to prevent disablement
·both physical and mental barriers are hard to break down
·we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled
·the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled
Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage
·Evethe able-bodied may lose some of their body functions whethey get older.
· Prejudice still exists against the disabled which results mainly from ignorance.
·The society should pay attentioto the barriers faced by the disabled people.
·There are about 10 percent disabled persons ithe UK.
The last word of the passage “counts” probably means “______”.
·is most important
·is considered
·is included
·is numbered
The key word iparagraph 4 is ______.
The first paragraph points out that ______.
·there are many disabled people ithe world
·India has much more disabled people thaCanada
·the number of disabled people iIndia is the greatest
·it is impossible to get aexact figure of the world’s disabled people
What.s the best title for the passage
·Communicating iEnglish
·Learning New Words
·Ways to GaiConfidence with English
·Thinking iEnglish
What are suggested to do if you always forget the new words
·To relearconstantly.
·To practice more.
·To read novels.
·To be angry.
We cabuild vocabulary ithe following ways except ______.
·reading novels
·oftespeaking with foreigners
·constant repetitioof new words
·looking up the new words ia dictionary, making sentences with them, etc.
Whecayou be said to know English
·Wheyou have confidence with English.
·Wheyou have built vocabulary.
·Wheyou cathink iEnglish.
·Wheyou are not afraid to ask questions.
You cagaiconfidence by speaking English with the following people but ______
·family members
We had a long debate _____ whether we should spend so much money ospace technology.( )
·as to
·so as
·as about
·so as to
The meeting was ___ held the following week.( )
·to be
Henry couldn’t take part ithe sports meeting ____ his leg got broken.( )
·because of
·so that
Johnny’s mouth watered _____ the sight of the big pudding.( )
The earlier the better, as far _____ I am concerned.( )
·so that
·such that
The coat fits the boy perfectly now, but he will ____ it ia year’s time.( )
·up grow
·out grow
The girl was _____ into accepting the gift.( )
______ must be done _____ the house before we calive iit.( )
·Repairing, to
·Repairs, with
·Repair work, with
·Repairs, to
– Hi, Tom. How is everything going–___________.
·No, I don’t.
·Yes, please.
·Thank you a lot.
·Not bad.
– I’d like you to meet Kate.–__________
·Yes, I’d like.
·It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate.
·You’re welcome.
·Not at all.
– You don’t know Jane, do you–_________.
·Jane I’ve knowher for years
·.It’s my pleasure.
· No.
—Thank you for inviting me.— ________________.
·Did you have a good time today
·Please keep itouch.
·You’re welcome.
·It was a pleasure having you. Please come again.
– Lily, did you have a good weekend– _________________
·Yes, it was wonderful.
·Thanks for caring.
·It’s a pleasure.
·Oh, that’s very nice of you.
The employee requires that he ______ the right to know the situatioof the company.
Humabeings aren’t ______ mistakes. And I decided to forgive him.
With her childreliving abroad, she has her house ______ every December.
·to be painted
·be painted
As days went by, a deep friendship begato ______ betweethem.
______ are journalists admitted to this region.
Humabeings are social animals; we need friends and I’m __________ exception.
I was one of those people who went to __________ college knowing exactly what I wanted to do with __________ life.
·/, my
·a, the
·/, the
·my, my
Ithis area, AIDS is __________ disease that the very mentioof it strikes terror.
·a so dreadful
·such dreadful
·so dreadful a
·a such dreadful
Many foreigtourists prefer to cut a check to ____________ travel expenses.
These local snacks taste ____________.
·to be good
·to be well
. _ ________ his homework, he went to watch TV.
·Having finished
·To finish
___ _______ other games, this one isn’t very interesting.
·by comparisoto
·For comparisowith
The kids behave themselves ______ their parents’ presence.
The three ______ working telephone lines are quite busy following the earthquake.
·having remained
Whewe leara foreiglanguage, we should hold that no culture is inferior _____ the others.
You’re ____________ your time trying to persuade him, he will never joius.
直流接触器和交流接触器都是通过主触头分合控制电路,因此可以互相替代。( )