
判断题:一般位置直线的投影不反映直线对投影面倾角的真实大小。( )
6.“不能删除的图层是:( )”
下列钢筋中属于梁内配筋的有( )
楼梯建筑详图是由( )的组成的
钢筋混凝土梁构件详图包括( )
钢筋混凝土板内分布钢筋的作用有( )。
工程建设制图中的主要可见轮廓线应选用.( )
不属于建筑平面图的是( )。
给排水的压力管道应标注( )标高。
房屋结构中框架代号为( )。
点的两面投影连线与相应投影轴的关系是( )
下列建筑物中,属于民用建筑的是( )
They are seeking financial support from ______ sources.
The post office will issue ______ new stamps
·as long as
·as well as
·a lots of
·a series of
Many people cannot eveafford basic ______ such as food and clothing.
A number of ______ buyers have expressed interest ithe company.
-- How long do you intend to stay-- ____________
· It’s very important.
· Once a week.
· I’ll stay here for a long time..
· I’ll be here for two or three days at least.
You should fill ithis applicatio_____________ very carefully.
· passport
· letter
· visa
· form
What caI _____________ for you, Madam
· did
· done
· does
· do
Look, Lily is o________ track!
· five
· the five
· fifth
· the fifth
( )Your suggestiowill ______ to solving the problem.
Hearing that song always ______ me of my hometown.
The website allows people to ______ us directly about our programs.
·contact at
·contact with
·contact to
It will be more ______ to take public transport thato drive one’s owcar.
The sound quality is superior ______ that oa regular CD.
– Would you like some coffee-- _________.
· Yes, I like tea.
· I prefer not coffee.
· Yes, please.
· Don’t please.
The big tree _____________ a lot of red apples.
· bears
· wears
· grows
· takes
Please _____________ me introduce my sister to you.
· give
· have
· let
· ask
__________ will the journey take
· How often
· How much
· How long
· How about
My grandmother ________ a lot wheshe was young.
· was used to
· used to
·used to dance
·had danced
The violence was the result of political and ethnic ______.
University students ______ 50% of the store’s customers.
·come up with
·account for
·apply for
·show off
The bus ______ passengers outside the airport.
·ends up
·picks up
·gets up
·looks up
Police ______ that she had some connectiowith the robbery.
___________ over the sea caget rather boring after a while.
· Fly
· Flying
· Flies
· Flied
____________ to the Chinese Culture Club. You calearBeijing opera here.
· Coming
· Welcome
· Well
· Will
Our English teacher takes part ithe 800-meter race. Let’s___ him.
· look at
· Cheer for
· come on
· call on
I wish I _________ so much time, but now it’s too late to feel regretful.
·haven’t wasted
·hadn’t wasted
·didn’t waste
·don’t waste
The furniture iher room is quite different from ( ) ithe exhibitiohail.
·one that
·those ones
Many students here are second- or third-generatio______ from China.
I’m very ______ about the speech contest.