配筋砌体的配筋只有砂浆面层中配置钢筋网。( )
轴心受压构件的长细比越大,稳定系数值越高。( )
单筋比双筋截面更经济。( )
适筋梁的受力第三阶段为破坏阶段,此阶段末的应力状态可作为构件裂缝宽度依据。( )
钢筋表面氧化膜的破坏是使钢筋锈蚀的必要条件。( )
砂浆的强度等级用符号MU表示。( )
荷载分项系数的取值( )
我国目前所采用的设计基准期为( )年
下面哪一项不是影响钢筋混凝土之间黏结强度的主要因素( )
下列关于预应力钢筋混凝土的叙述中,哪项叙述是不正确的( )
受弯混凝土构件,若其纵筋配筋率小于最小配筋率,我们一般称之为( )
梁中钢筋的混凝土保护层厚度是指( )。
截面尺寸和材料强度一定时,钢筋混凝土受弯构件正截面承载力与受拉区纵筋配筋率的关系是( )。
对于混凝土各种强度标准值之间的关系,下列哪个是正确的( )
以下结构进入承载能力极限状态的是( )
在对接焊缝中经常使用引弧板,目的是( )。
结构的可靠性是指( )。
普通砖砌体构件截面面积A<0.3m2时,其强度设计值应乘以调整系数( )。
欲求某5跨连续梁的第4支座绝对值最大的负弯矩,活荷载最不利布置为( )。
用D值法计算框架的水平荷载作用下的内力时,当计算层的上层层高变高时,则该计算层柱的反弯点位置的变化如何( )
多层多跨框架在水平荷载作用下,下列( )项可采用反弯点法计算杆件内力。
钢筋混凝土构件变形和裂缝验算中关于荷载、材料强度取值说法的是( )。
下列( )项是减小预应力温度损失σ13的方法
以下属于应激的行为反应的是( )。
· 焦虑
· 记忆力受损
· 感冒
临床护理心理评估的基本方法中,客观性最强的是( )
儿童在哪个阶段对住院诊治的心理反应最为强烈( )
系统脱敏疗法的适应症为( )
病人初入ICU病房后1~2天,大多表现出的心理特点为( )
维护和发展护士心理健康的策略描述错误的是( )
在一定程度内,学习程度越高,保持效果越好,当过度学习程度达( )时,保持效果最好。
· 150%
下列不属于心理测验特点的有( )
心理治疗技术中,向病人询问“是什么”“为什么”“怎么样”等问题,属于( )
与病人的沟通中,老年病人最强烈的需要是( )
· 尊重的需要
· 安全的需要
What does the collapse of the highway during the northerCalifornia earthquake tell us?
·The highway should be built under strict standards
·Individuals and governments have to be far-sighte
·There's nothing to do with technology sighte
·Both A and B
“ The Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction” is______
·a plato provide us with the safety kit
·a program to establish building standards,emergency response plans,and training programs
·aagency to cope with hurricanes,earthquakes,and other natural disasters.
·a program to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world.
This passage is mainly about______
·the social consequences of the widespread use of computers
·the improvement of computer technology
·the barrier to the employment of young people
·the importance of retraining the unemployed workers
We cainfer from the passage that______.
·all school childreare offered a course ithe use of computer
·all unemployed workers are being retrained
·ireality only a certaiportioof unemployed workers will be retrained
·retraining programs are considered very important by the government rained
By “one industry may kill another industry”(Para.l),the author means_________.
·industries tend to compete with one another
·industries tend to combine into bigger ones
·one industry may increase its staff at the expense of another
·one industry might be driveout of business by another industry
The best title for the passage is______
·Anger Is Anger
·Releasing Anger or Holding It In
·Controlling Anger Before It Controls You
·Anger, a Big Killer
By saying “Anger is anger”,Redford Williams means that______.
·anger is unavoidable ilife
·one should hold ianger instead of releasing it
·one should release anger instead of holding it in
·anger does harm no matter what form it takes
5. What does Mark Westhusithink of humacloning?
·It's worthwhile though stupid
·It's worthless and stupid.
·It should be attempted only after animal cloning is perfect.
·It is efficientbut dangerous.
2. Which of the following is true about the cloning of Missy?
·Missy's embryos have always beesuccessfully transferred.
·It'sstill uncertaiwheMissy cabe successfully cloned.
·Missy cabe cloned later thisyear or five years later.
·It's still a mystery as to how Missy gives birth to puppies.
1. ILine 2,the word “it” refers to______.
·. cloning
·dog cloning
10.The author willbe most likely to agree that______.
·meare basically opposed to sharing household chores
·ahealthy,cooperative family is a basic ingredient of a healthy society
·sharing of household responsibilities is workable only itheory
·the solutioof the family problems is unnecessary where sharing is done
6. According to thepassage,the idea of equal rights is______.
·what everyone desires
·not relevant to healthy family life
·to some degree responsible for the household sharing
·what we have almost giveup
15. About the idea of leaving home the womais______.
·deeply worried
·greatly relieved and happy
·frightened because of her father.
14. We may conclude thatthe woman's home is probably in______.
·Irelandl>ng:0;" >4. We may conclude thatthe woman's home is probably in______.gb(0,0,0);font-size:16px;mso-font-kerning:0;" >
·New York
·. Chicago
12. About her past life the womahas______.
·no thought atall
·generally pleasant thoughts
·thoughts filled with pain