
3 [名词解释题,16.6分] Register
2 [简答题,16.6分] Displacement
1 [简答题,16.6分] Design feature
6 [填空题,17分] Bound morphemes are classified into two types: __________ and __________.
5 [填空题,16.6分] A word formed by derivation is called a __________, and a word formed by compounding is called a __________.
4 [名词解释题,16.6分] Performative
3 [名词解释题,16.6分] Conversational implicature
2 [简答题,16.6分] Q-principle (Horn)
1 [简答题,16.6分] Locutionary act
6 [填空题,17分] Words are divided into simple, compound and derived words on the __________ level.
5 [填空题,16.6分] __________ is extremely productive, because English had lost most of its inflectional endings by the end of Middle English period, which facilitated the use of words interchangeably as verbs or nouns, verbs or adjectives, and vice versa.
4 [名词解释题,16.6分] Trace theory
3 [名词解释题,16.6分] Hierarchical structure
2 [简答题,16.6分] Cohesion
1 [简答题,16.6分] FSP
6 [填空题,17分] __________ is a reverse process of derivation, and therefore is a process of shortening.
5 [填空题,16.6分] A small set of conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns belong to __________ class, while the largest part of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs belongs to __________ class.
4 [名词解释题,16.6分] IC analysis
3 [名词解释题,16.6分] Syntax
2 [简答题,16.6分] What is behaviorism? What is behaviorism in linguistics? What is the relationship between linguistics and behaviorism according to Bloomfield? Does behaviorism have any limitations? If yes, what are th
1 [简答题,16.6分] Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics?
6 [填空题,17分] All words may be said to contain a root __________.
5 [填空题,16.6分] Orthographically, compounds are written in three ways: __________, __________ and __________.
4 [名词解释题,16.6分] Morphological rule
3 [名词解释题,16.6分] Closed-class word
2 [简答题,16.6分] Distinguish the two possible meanings of “more beautiful flowers” by means of IC analysis
1 [简答题,16.6分] What are endocentric construction and exocentric construction? (武汉大学,2004)
6 [填空题,17分] Lexicon, in most cases, is synonymous with __________.
5 [填空题,16.6分] An __________ is pronounced letter by letter, while an __________ is pronounced as a word.
4 [名词解释题,16.6分] Allomorph
18. All words contain a A A.A. root morpheme B.B. bound morpheme C.C. prefix D.D. suffix
_____ areNOT the major source of regional variation of language. A.Geographical barriers B.Loyalty to and confidence in one’s native speech C.Physical discomfort and psychological resistance to change D.Social barriers
_________ is NOT speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from. A.Regional variationn B.Language variation C.Social variationn D.Register variation
__________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form. A.Polysemyy B.Synonymyy C.Homonymyy D.Hyponymy
1 [简答题,16.6分] How many types of morphemes are there in the English language? What are they? (厦门大学,2003)
2 [简答题,16.6分] What are the main features of the English compounds?
3 [名词解释题,16.6分] Blending