
(单选题) We can deal with the stress in our life ______.(本题2.0分) A、 by not trying to find a job B、 by forgetting about our problems C、 by getting a place at university D、 by sharing our problems with our friends
(单选题) Which of the following is true? (本题2.0分) A、 If things are very very small, they are germs. B、 If things can’t be seen, they must be germs. C、 Germs are only in dirty water. D、 Germs are everywhere around us.
(单选题) What is a microscope used for? (本题2.0分) A、 Making very very small things look much bigger. B、 Making very big things look much smaller. C、 Helping you read some newspapers. D、 Helping you if you can’t see things clearly.
(单选题) Why don’t your parents let you drink dirty water? (本题2.0分) A、 You haven’t looked at it carefully. B、 Water can’t be drunk in this way. C、 There must be lots of germs in it. D、 Water will make you ill.
(单选题) Which of the following is not true? (本题2.0分) A、 Germs can be found both in water and in the air. B、 Germs can go into your finger if it is cut. C、 If your temperature is not OK, there must be germs in your body. D、 If your finger isn’t cut, there aren’t any germs on it.
(单选题) What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Germs may make us ill. B. Germs are in dirty water. C. Don’t drink dirty water. D. Take care of your fingers.(本题2.0分) A、 Germs may make us ill. B、 Germs are in dirty water. C、 Don’t drink dirty water. D、 Take care of your fingers.
23. (问答题) 西方很多妇女不能同工同酬,这是不公平的。_______(本题20.0分)
(单选题) His hard work______ when he won the prize.(本题3.0分) A、 paid off B、 rang off C、 showed off D、 kept off
(单选题) —Do you think the shirt really fits me? —_________. It goes well with your tie, too.(本题3.0分) A、 Of course it does B、 Yes, it does C、 I am not sure D、 Perhaps it does
(单选题) —When will you be free this month, Mr. Smith? — ________, maybe we.ll be free next Sunday.(本题3.0分) A、 Let me be B、 Let me see C、 I’m afraid D、 Think it over
(单选题) The job made her independent______ her husband.(本题3.0分) A、 on B、 to C、 of D、 fry
(单选题) Will you be eating here or is this to go? —Oh,____________,please.(本题3.0分) A、 not here B、 take out C、 go out D、 take back
(单选题) —You shouldn.t have chosen that kind of book for me. —________(本题3.0分) A、 Oh,don.t complain about gift. B、 Sorry, I.ll give you a better one next time. C、 What.s wrong with you? D、 What can I do for you?
(单选题) Could I first ask you a few questions about your life?________(本题3.0分) A、 Yes,of course B、 What are they? C、 As you like. D、 Nothing interesting
(单选题) —_______,I didn.t mean it that way. —Forget it,(本题3.0分) A、 All right B、 That.s okay C、 Thank you D、 Forgive me
(单选题) What do you do?_______.(本题3.0分) A、 I cook supper B、 I do some shopping C、 I’m a businessman D、 I’m sorry.
(单选题) 1.—Can I help you,sir? —_________.(本题3.0分) A、 Yes, you can help me B、 No,I don.t need any help C、 Of course, if you like D、 No, thanks. I.m being served
(单选题) —_________? —I.d like to buy a skirt.(本题3.0分) A、 What do you want B、 What are you looking for C、 Do you want to buy something D、 What can I do for you
(单选题) —Ken, ____________,but your TV is too loud. —Oh,I.m sorry. I.ll turn it down right now.(本题3.0分) A、 I.d like to talk with you B、 I.m really tired of this C、 I hate to say this D、 I need your help
(单选题) Difficult _____ the project was, I managed to finish it on schedule.(本题3.0分) A、 no matter B、 as C、 despite D、 though
(单选题) Learning to do routine car maintenance oneself is often easier____competent people to do it.(本题3.0分) A、 as finding B、 than finding C、 than to find D、 as to find
(单选题) —We have so much food left,_____________? —Sure.(本题3.0分) A、 do you like them B、 enjoy your self C、 can I have a doggy bag D、 thank you
(单选题) — I was really anxious about you. You shouldn.t have left without a word. —________(本题3.0分) A、 What not? B、 Really? C、 I don.t know D、 I.m terribly sorry.
(单选题) To be honest, usually I don.t like _____.(本题3.0分) A、 making fun of B、 being made fun of. C、 to make fun of D、 having made fun of.
(单选题) —That was a great dinner. —Thanks. But it really took only an hour.(本题3.0分) A、 I have never had it before. B、 I enjoyed it very much. C、 You must have spent all day cooking D、 Who cooked it?
(单选题) 1. —Would you like to go shopping with me?—_______(本题3.0分) A、 Yes, I.d like to. B、 Yes. Thank you. C、 You are welcome. D、 No. You are so kind
(单选题) If we sleep 8 hours a day, how many hours we will dream?(本题2.0分) A、 1 B、 2 C、 3 D、 4
(单选题) Why do some people often dream about their work? (本题2.0分) A、 Because they are tired in the daytime. B、 Because they are not interested in their work. C、 Because they may be thinking about their work all day. D、 Because they have too much work to do.
(单选题) Which of the following is true? (本题2.0分) A、 We.ll be relaxed after a long dreaming B、 When we dream, our mind is also resting. C、 Dreams may disappear soon, we can remember none of them. D、 Sometimes we may have the same dream several times.
(单选题) When we dream,_________. (本题2.0分) A、 our mind still works B、 we remember something happened before C、 we start to thinking about the work D、 we have new ideas
(单选题) The main idea of the story is that _________. A. what dream is B. people like to sleep C. dreams are live films D. we always remember dreams.(本题2.0分) A、 what dream is B、 people like to sleep C、 dreams are live films D、 we always remember dreams
(单选题) Why did Tommy’s parents send him to a catholic school?(本题2.0分) A、 Because he could eat well there. B、 Because he could earn more about nuns. C、 Because his parents wanted him to do better in his math. D、 Because his parents didn’t want him to learn math any more.
(单选题) Tommy’s mother felt surprised that his son _______. (本题2.0分) A、 was still the same as usual B、 ate so much at dinner C、 kissed her hello after school D、 worked hard but said little
(单选题) “Hitting the books” means “_______” in Chinese. (本题2.0分) A、 用功 B、 捶书 C、 发泄 D、 振作
(单选题) The last sentence in the passage shows that _______.(本题2.0分) A、 Tommy felt sorry for the mail B、 Tommy was afraid of being nailed C、 Tommy didn’t like the plus sign D、 Tommy liked playing jokes on others
(单选题) From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _______. (本题2.0分) A、 teachers should be strict with their students B、 mistaking (误解) might do good sometimes C、 a catholic school is much better than other ones D、 nuns are good at helping children with their math
(问答题) 根据我的观察,凡是事业有成的人都具有坚强的意志。 _______(本题20.0分)
正常脑皮层对浅反射起易化作用、对深反射起抑制作用,当脑皮质损害时浅反射减弱或消失,深反射亢进。 正确错误
脑膜刺激征阴性,腰椎穿刺脑脊液不含血,可以除外基底节区出血。 正确错误
脊髓髓外病变早期有明显的根性疼痛,脑脊液蛋白高,压颈实验完全性梗阻() 正确错误
深反射是刺激肌腱、骨膜的本体感受器所引起的肌肉快速收缩反应,亦称腱反射或肌肉牵张反射。 正确错误
目前认为吉兰巴雷综合征的病因是: A急性细菌感染脊髓 B急性病毒感染脊髓 C急性病毒感染周围神经 D周围神经的变态反应性炎症 E脊髓的变态反应性炎症
下运动神经元的神经细胞胞体位于如下哪一部位 A脊髓前角 B脊髓后角 C中央前回 D中央后回
哪项不属于运动系统:() A下运动神经元 B上运动神经元 C反射 D锥体外系 E小脑系统
肌无力危象不易与其它危象鉴别时最佳方法采取:() A注射新斯的明1mg B注射腾喜龙10mg C注射苯丙酸诺龙30mg D注射阿托品0.6mg E疲劳试验
脑梗死临床表现中,不应有的症状或体征 A意识不清 B肢体瘫痪 C头疼 D抽搐 E脑膜刺激征
动脉粥样硬化引起的脑血栓形成最常发生在:() A颈内动脉及大脑中动脉 B大脑前动脉 C大脑后动脉 D小脑后动脉 E椎基底动脉
周期性瘫痪 A四肢无力,血钾减低 B四肢无力,脑脊液蛋白细胞分离 C四肢无力,手套、袜套样感觉障碍 D四肢无力,休息后减轻,活动后加重 E四肢无力,肩胛带骨盆带萎缩
男性,61岁,突然意识不清1小时,头颅CT显示右侧大脑半球3cm×3cm×6cm高密度影,最可能的诊断是 A昏厥 B脑出血 C脑栓塞 D脑血栓形成 E高血压脑病
男,38岁,一年来腰背疼,2月来,双下肢无力麻木,排尿不畅,便秘。体检:双下肢张力高,下肢肌力4级,反射亢进,Babinski(+),脐部以下感觉减退,最能明确诊断的辅助检查时:() A腰椎MRI B胸椎MRI C颈椎MRI D头颅MRI E腰穿、脑脊液检查