
It is sunny. Nice day,isn.t it—_____( )
· Y es,it is.
· I am not sure.
· you know what it is.
— Do you know who telephoned me—_____.( )
· Yes, I am at home.
· I heard it was Jessica.
· Yes,I remember it now.
He didn’t make _____ at all iyesterday’s negotiation. What happened to him
· aapology
· a
· aappearance
· a promise
Why didn’t you go for a walk It’ll give you a(n) ____ for your lunch.
· appetite
· authority
· energy
· motivation
We have strong _____ for believing that the mine accident iHeilongjiang was due to the poor management.
· grounds
· reason
· cause
· purpose
Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a reply at your earliest ______.
· convenience
· consideration
· interruption
· imagination
Poetry writtefrom the ___of the urbayouth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging,
· perspective
· priority
· participation
· privilege
–Could you tell me the _____ of making such tasty cakes--Well, I just follow the directions ithe cookbook.
· feature
· plan
· cost
· trick
–Cayou tell us your _____ for happiness and a long life--Living every day to the full, definitely.
· recipe
· record
· range
· receipt
–You may go to Milafor a free trip.--It’s a very kind _____, but I really can’t accept it.
· excuse
· offer
· promise
· decision
You are supposed to be more careful to make fewer ______ while you are writing.
· trouble
· matter
· mistakes
· problems
After reading the novel Treasure Island, Paul has more_____ thabefore because of the maicharacter, brave Jim.
· humor
· wealth
· luck
· courage
Great _____for football lovers—more tha50,000 soccer schools will be built iour country by the end of 2025.
· news
· message
· situation
· information
The broke_____may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful.
· glass
· glasses
· candle
· candles
–Look! So many colorful bicycles itwo lines over there.--They’re for the public. This ______of greesmart traffic is everywhere iXi’an.
· number
· pair
· kind
· piece
–Mum, could you pass me some___ It’s delicious.--OK, but only a little.
· butter
· apples
· tomatoes
· sandwiches
The customers are pleased with the ____ of the restaurant.
· balance
· experience
· surface
· service
If Peter calls me, please ask him to leave a _____
· letter
· sentence
· message
· notice
Jenny takes exercises every day and she is always full of ______.
· knowledge
· energy
· chance
· courage
–The weather is getting worse.--Yes, and it shows us that we should try to make the _____better.
· treatment
· development
· environment
· government
The Chinese saying “A tree can’t make a forest” tells us that ___is very important ia football match.
· ability
· decision
· teamwork
· experience
–Listen! Who is singing--It’s Betty. She has a sweet _______.
· sound
· voice
· noise
· speech
We have two rooms _____, but I can’t decide______.
· to live; to choose which one
· lived; choose which
· to live in; which one to choose
· live; which one
I will try my best _____ my sofrom ___the same mistake.
· stopping; make
· to stop; made
· stopping; making
· to stop; making
Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous Americaactor, was always expecting ____aOscar and finally he made it.
· to win
· winning
· not to win
· not winning
–Could you come to my birthday party tomorrow--I’d like to, but I have too much work ______.
· to see to come
· seeing to come
· to see to coming
· doing to come
It’s never too old to learn. Karl Marx begato learEnglish ihis ____.
· the fiftieth
· fiftieth
· fifty
· fifties
–Listen! There ____ someone _____at the door.
· is; knocking
· is; knock
· are; knocking
· are; knock
Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of course not ______a local speaker iChina.
· so fluently as
· more fluent than
· as fluent as
· much fluently than
_______ they met each other and became good friends.
· It was ithe countryside where
· Being ithe countryside
· It was ithe countryside when
· It was ithe countryside that
Sorry, I don.t know he is a friend of ________.
· your brother
· your brothers
You needn.t make such a funny noise, _______
· need you
· need it
With the _______ of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party.
· exhibition
· exception
· except
· reception
This is the third week _______ the dustmehaven’t come for the rubbish.
· that
· when
· which
· owhich
— _______ I take the newspaper away— No, you mustn.t. You _______ read it only here.
·Must; can
· May; can
· Need; must
· Must; must
Hardly _______ the railway statiowhethe traistarted.
· did I reach
· had I reached
·I reached
·I had reached
His answer is not correct, and _______.
· neither am I
· either is mine
· neither is mine
· mine is neither
Not until I begato work _______ how much time I had wasted.
· didn’t I realize
·did I realize
·I didn’t realized
·I realized
I wish I _______ what to do.
· knew
· known
· know
· would know
.It has beeproposed that we _______ our decisiountil the next meeting.
· delayed
· delay
· cadelay
· are to delay
It’s already 5 o’clock. Don’t you think it’s about time _______
· we are going home
· we go home
· we went home
· we cago home
If he _______, he would have signed his name ithe corner.
· painted that picture
· paints that picture
· would have painted that picture
· had painted that picture
· respect
· effect
· reflect
· inspect参考答案:C
· strict
· accurate
· appropriate
· ultimate参考答案:B
· command
· contract
· complaint
· charge参考答案:C
· frustrated
· stimulated
· prompted
· choked参考答案:A
· engagement
· contract
· agreement
· arrangement参考答案:C
· turin
· turaway
· turup
· turdown参考答案:D
· observe
· perceive
· sustain
· experience参考答案:B
· conscious
· intentional
· obvious
· noticeable参考答案:A