
which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage
· Social Customs and Customs
· Social Life
· Americaand British Customs
· Promptness Is Important
."It would have beebad manners to make his guests feel foolish or uncomfortable." "Bad manners " means ________.
· ugly
· dishonest
· impolite
· shameful答案:C
If one has accepted a dinner invitatio,what should he do if he is to be late for the dinner
· He should find aexcuse
· He should ask for excuse.
· He should say sorry
· He should telephone to explaihis being late.答案:D
What is the most obvious difference betweemeand womeshoppers.
·The fact that medo not try clothes oia shop.
·Womebargaifor their clothes, but medo not.
·Womestand up while shopping, but mesit down.
·The time they take over buying clothes.答案:D
According to this passage, wheshopping for clothes, women__________.
·oftebuy things without thinking
·seldom buy cheap clothes
·welcome suggestions from anyone
·never take any advice答案:C
What does a mado whehe cannot get exactly what he wants
·He buys something that is similar enough to the ideal one.
·He usually does not buy anything.
·At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.
·So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.答案:B
Icommerce a good salesmais one who__________.
·sells something a customer does not particularly want
·always has istock the thing the customer wants
·cafind out quickly the goods required
·does not waste his time odifficult customers答案:A
. Whea mais buying clothes, __________.
·he chooses things that others recommend
·he buys cheap things, regardless of quality
·he buys good things, so long as they are not too expensive
·he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things答案:D
The best title for this passage is ____.
· How to Cultivate One’s Creativity
· What is Creativity
· The Importance of Creativity
· Creativity—a Not Far way Thing
What does the author think about the relationship betweea new though t and its being put into practice
· It’s more difficult to create a new thought thato apply it ipractice.
· To find a new thought will definitely lead to the productioof a new thing.
· One may come up with a new thought, but cannot put it into practice.
·A mawith aexcellent ability of practice caeasily become ainventor.
“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that ____.
· we caseldom create new things
· a new thing is only a tale
·a new thing caonly be created at the basis of original things
·we cascarcely see really new things ithe world
The author holds that ____.
· creativity is of highly demand
· creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extent
· creativity is to create something new and concrete
·.to practise and practice is the only way to cultivate one’s creativity
Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to the passage
· To prepare a meal.
·To arrange the furniture ia peculiar way.
·To buy some books from a bookstore.
·To “write” a letter with the computer.
Iyour opinion, what was the writer’s real trouble
· He went too far ithe wrong bus.
· He followed the policeman’s direction.答案:B
What cawe learfrom the last paragraph
· The writer got close to the hotel where he stayed.
· The writer got to the hotel with the policeman’s help.
· The writer found he was much farther away from the hotel.
· The writer found the hotel ithe directiothe policemapointed.答案:C
. From the story we know that the policeman______。
· was kind but didn’t understand the writer
·told the writer where to take a train
· knew what the writer really meant
· was cold-hearted and didn’t help the writer答案:A
. The newspaper-seller______。
· didn’t know where the hotel was
· didn’t understand what the writer said
· could understand what the writer said
· didn’t want to take the money from the writer答案:B
The writer preferred to walk back to his hotel because.
· he had no money to buy a ticket
· he wanted to lose himself ithe city
· he tried to know the city ithis way
·it was late and there were no buses passing by答案:C
Ithis passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned EXCEPT __________.
· making workers more attractive
· making workers happier答案:B
According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE
· Company workers started to dress dowabout twenty years ago.
· Dress-dowhas become aeveryday phenomenosince the early 1990s.
· “Dress-dowFriday” was first giveas a favor from employers.
· Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.答案:C
According to this passage, which of the following is FALSE
· Many workers don’t like a conservative dress code.
· Comfortable clothes make workers more productive.
·A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers.
·All the employers ithe U.S. are for casual office wear.
David Smith wears casual clothes now, because ______________.
· they make him feel at ease wheworking
· he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes
· he looks handsome icasual clothes
· he no longer works for any company答案:A
.David Smith refers to himself as having bee“a clothes addict” because ______________.
· he oftewore khaki pants and a sports shirt
· he wanted his clothes to look tidy and cleaall the time
·he didn’t want to spend much money oclothes
It is implied but not stated ithe passage that ______.
· those who have long-term goals will succeed
·writing dowthe dates may discourage you
· the goal is only a guide for us to reach our destination
· every should have a goal
Once our goals are drawup,_______.
· we should stick to them until we complete them
· we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunities
· we had better wait for the exciting news of success
· we have made great decision答案:B
Whewe complete each step of our goals ,______.
· we will wifinal success
· we are overwhelmed
· we should build up confidence of success
· we should strong desire for setting new goals答案:C
New short-term goals are built upon______.
· two years
· long-term goals
· current activities
· the goals that have beecompleted答案:D
Our long-term goals meaa lot______.
· if we complete our short-range goals
· if we cannot reach solid short-term goals
· if we write dowthe dates
· if we put forward some plans答案:A
The boy knew everything ____________ .
· the moment he was asked to stay behind
· whethe teacher started talking about honesty
· only some time later
· whehe was walking out of the room答案:C
The thing(s) emphasized iher talk was(were) ____________ .
· honesty
· sense of duty
· seriousness
· all of the above答案:A
The teacher saw all this, so she asked the boy ____________ .
· to go owriting his paper
· to stop whispering
· to leave the room immediately
· to stay behind after the exam答案:D
The girl wanted to borrow a pen, because ____________ .
· she had not brought a pewith her
· she had lost her owoher way to school
· there was something wrong with her own
· her owhad beetakeaway by someone答案:C
The story took place exactly ____________ .
· ithe teacher’s office
· iaexam room
· ithe school
· ithe language lab答案:B
Is it possible for you to work late tonight ( )
· I like it.
· I think so.
Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. ( )
· Never mind
Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!- _______ This is not the end of the world.
· Good luck.
· Cheer up.
· Go ahead.
· No problem.
—Let me see inside your carry-obag. ( )
·Just a few personal belongings.
· You have no right.
· It’s my privacy.
· Is it necessary
— Must we hand iour homework now— _______
· Yes, you will.
· Yes, you mustn’t.
· No, you needn’t.
· No, you mustn’t.
— I feel sick.— _______— I.m not sure, but I have got a bad headache.
· How are you feeling now
·Do you have a high temperature
· How long have you beeaway
13— Would you please show me your bankbook ( )
· Sorry, I have no idea.
· Here you are.
— Hello, I would like to opeaaccount. ( )
· Which account do you want to see
· Have you make up your mind
· What kind of account do you have imind
· You’re welcome.
— Excuse me, how much is the jacket— It.s 499 Yuan. ______( )
· How do you like it
· Which do you prefer
· Would you like to try it on
— What do you think of this novel ( )
· It was writteby my uncle.
· I bought it yesterday
9—Hello! CaI get a seat othe 8 pm flight to Detroit ( )
· Hello! International Airline
— Oh dear! I.ve just brokea window.— _______! It can.t be helped. ( )
· Great
· Never mind
· Not at all
Would you like something to drink What about a cup of tea ( )-- _________
· No, thanks.
· Yes, I want.
· Yes, I like.
— Passport, please ( )
· It is here.
· What do you want
· Here you are.
·No, you can’t
5— What time is the next flight to Washingto( )
·It’s a smaller one.
· It’s too late.
· It’s 1.45 pm.
· It sounds good.
I’d like to book a room, please. ( )
·Single or double
·Good or bad
·Which room
·We don’t have books here.
— I didn.t know my identity card was needed,sir.—______.( )
· How dare you say that