
___, have you received that letter
· By all means
· By no means
· By this means of
· By the way
The university granted a scholarship___ the top qualified students.
According to the letter, the Indians believed that<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
· it would be better for their boys to receive some schooling
· they were being insulted by the offer
· they knew more about science thathe officials
· they had a better way of educating young men
It cabe inferred from the passage that the author would disapprove of<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
·computer-science courses ihigh schools
·businessmeand womewho use pocket calculators
·maintenance checks ocomputers
·companies which depend entirely ocomputers for decision-making
The passage believes that the present-day problem with regard to computers is<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
What is the maipurpose of this passage
·To look back to the early days of computers.
·To explaiwhat technical problems may occur with computers.
·To discourage unnecessary investment icomputers.
·To waragainst the blindness to the probable shortcomings of computers.
The writer of this text wants to give the impressiothat the Protect Alarms systemis<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u> .
· elementary
· everlasting
· experimental
· economical
Anyone who takes ainteresting ithe crime rate will, according to the text, be aware that<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u> .
· more burglars are being caught thaever before
· people have more possessions to worry about nowadays
· burglars are more at risk thathey used to be
· homes are more likely to be brokeinto thabefore
According to the article, technical progress is bringing people______ .
·aenjoyable life
·aeasy life
·a more difficult time
·none of the above
What is the maiidea of the passage
·Americans could not functiowell without their moderlabor-saving machines.
·Doing repairs omoderappliances takes too long.
·Despite all their moderconveniences, Americans feel less relaxed thaever.
·Technology has brought many useful gadgets to contemporary living.
The tone of the letter as a whole is best described as<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u> .
· angry
· pleasant
· polite
· inquiring
This passage is about<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
· the talk betweethe Indians and the officials
· the colleges of the northerprovinces
· the educational values of the Indians
· the problems of the Americans ithe mid-eighteenth century
The purpose of the article is<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
· to warpeople against the danger of the rising crime rate
· to help people to protect their houses
· to persuade people to buy something
· to discourage the burglars
The article claims that possessing aalarm system will<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
· show burglars that you have nothing worth stealing
· warburglars not to break into your house
· make the burglar’s undertaking more complicated
· persuade burglars to come another time
This country has become___ ifood productiosince the 1980s.
· self-reliance reliant
· self-sufficient
· self-serviced
· self-respected
___had he got off the train___ his daughter ratowards him.
·No sooner... when
·No sooner…than
·Hardly… than
·The moment…when
___ troubled me most was that I forgot my ID card and my passport.
Most teachers___ bright students.
· favorite
· favored
· favorable
· favoring
The researchers are more and more ___ the environmental pollution.
· involved in
· concerned about
· conducted against
· dealt with
What’s the conclusioof the author
·The more appliances we own, the more free time we have.
·The more appliances we own, the busier they keep us.
·The more appliances we own, the less money we spend
·The more appliances we own, the more money we pay.
Our grandparents spent olaundry ________.
·more time thawe do
·less time thawe do
·as much time as we do
·as little time as we do
Different from the officials’ view of education, the Indians thought<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u> .
· young womeshould also be educated
· they had different goals of education
· they taught different branches of science
· they should teach the sons of the officials first
A“internal computer” (Par.2) is<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
·a computer used exclusively by one company for its owproblems
·a person’s store of knowledge and the ability to process it
·the most up-to-date in-home computer a company cabuy
·a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable
Banks pay interest osavings accounts. ( )
Some people write checks to buy food and clothes. ( )
It’s not easy to understand these rules of speaking from different cultures. ( )
Every language has its owrule for people greeting each other. ( )
He is ___ to be the best surgeodoctor iParisthis town.
·reputed known
·replied to know
·required knowing
·researched knew
The consequence was not ____ for a long period until recently.
· noticeable
· responsible
· reasonable
· respectable
It’s not __ to judge a persoonly by the appearance.
· reliable
· able
· enable
· capable
According to the author, what will most Americans do if aarticle is brokeand they want tosave money
·Ring for a repair person
·Repair the brokearticle themselves.
·Sell the brokearticle.
·None of the above.
The Indians’ chief purpose iwriting the letter seems to<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u> .
· politely refuse a friendly offer
· express their opinions oequal treatment
· explaithe educational values of the Indians
· analyze the problem of the Americans ithe mid-eighteenth century
The passage recommends those dealing with computers to<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
·be reasonably doubtful about them
·check all their answers
·substitute them for basic thinking
·use them for business purpose only
It seems that people who live icities are<u style="font-size: 20px;"> </u>.
· more likely to fall victim to burglary thathose living ithe country
· of the opiniothat statistics orobbery is wrong
· twice as well-off as people living ithe country
· convinced that burglars only rob unprotected houses
Banks only loamoney to business. ( )
People do not need to pay money into the bank for the checking account service. ( )
Buying and selling is not important for most people. ( )
The rules of greetings and shaking hands idifferent cultures cabe learned only through reading books. ( )
Whepeople meet each other, they always shake hands loosely. ( )
IAmerican, a weak handshake means that you are not very physically strong. ( )
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