
(单选题) I don’t think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. H’s too green.(本题3.0分) A、 shy B、 inexperienced C、 timid D、 native
(单选题) A rainy day always makes me blue.(本题3.0分) A、 happy B、 sad C、 painful D、 frightened
(单选题) David is the black sheep of his family.(本题3.0分) A、 wastrel B、 hero C、 villain D、 monster.
(单选题) The president was treated to the red carpet in America.(本题3.0分) A、 warm welcome B、 red C、 protest D、 demonstration
(单选题) He is proud of his blue blood.(本题3.0分) A、 poor B、 noble C、 humble D、 rich
(单选题) They had to sell the firm because they had not been in the black for years.(本题3.0分) A、 lack of money B、 in the C、 needing money D、 gaining money
(单选题) —How do you like this dress?( )(本题3.0分) A、 Or B、 So C、 But D、 Since
(单选题) —Are you hungry now? ( ) —_______. I have just had two bowls of rice.(本题3.0分) A、 Not a bit B、 It doesn’t matter C、 Not a little D、 I don’t mind.
(单选题) ----Look, it’s going to rain. ----Really ? ______ , I don’t take a raincoat with me. ( )(本题3.0分) A、 I’m afraid not B、 I hope not. C、 Good idea D、 I hope so.
(单选题) —Have you finished the work? ( )(本题3.0分) A、 failed B、 trying C、 tried D、 failing
(多选题) 尽管“龙”通常译为dragon,但在西方文化中,dragon通常代表什么。( )(本题8.0分) A、 罪恶 B、 吉祥的 C、 令人感到恐怖的 D、 邪恶的 E、 平安的
(多选题) 下列哪些不属于“文化休克”的表现。( )(本题8.0分) A、 不断进行必要的心理调整而引起的疲惫 B、 不能对付新环境而产生无能为力的感觉 C、 察觉到文化差异而感到惊喜与好奇 D、 接受属于新文化的成员 E、 在感情和自我认同感受到的混乱
(多选题) 在人类传播中分为社会传播和非社会传播,其中社会传播又分为下列哪几种。 ( )(本题8.0分) A、 人际传播 B、 组织传播 C、 大众传播 D、 自我传播 E、 网络传播
(多选题) 下列选项中,是1948年哈罗德·拉斯韦尔在《社会传播的构造与功能》一文中,提出了传播过程的"5w"模式。( )(本题8.0分) A、 谁(Who) B、 说什么(says What) C、 通过什么渠道(in What channel ) D、 对谁(to Whom ) E、 得到什么效果 (with What effects)
(多选题) 体态语包括( )及其它可以传递信息的肢体动作,这常被认为是辨别说话人内心世界的主要根据。(本题8.0分) A、 情绪 B、 面部表情 C、 手势 D、 目光语 E、 头部动作
16. (问答题) (英译汉) ten to one he has forgotten it.(本题15.0分)
17. (问答题) (英译汉)I used to study in France in the year one.(本题15.0分)
(单选题) —Where do you think ______ he ______the computer? Sorry, I have no idea. ( ) (本题3.5分) A、 /; bought B、 has; bought C、 did; buy D、 does; buy
(单选题) —Is there anything wrong with my son, doctor? —______.( )(本题3.5分) A、 Do it, please B、 I don’t mind C、 I don’t feel very well D、 Nothing serious
(单选题) —You don’t look well, what’s wrong with you, Wang Ming? —Last night I watched the football match and didn’t go to bed ______ 12 o’clock. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 when B、 until C、 as D、 while
(单选题) -We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.( )(本题3.5分) A、 was happening B、 to happen C、 has happened D、 having happened
(单选题) --- Do you spend a lot of time____ computer? --- No, but I spend much time_____ doing my homework. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 on; in B、 in; on C、 on; on D、 in; in
(单选题) —You look rather tired. ______ stop to take a rest? ( ) —All right. But I’ll have to work for a few more minutes.(本题3.5分) A、 Why not B、 Do you C、 What about D、 How about
(单选题) You ask someone to wait for a moment. Please choose an appropriate response. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 “That’s really kind of you but I’m exhausted after the flight. ” B、 “I’m afraid he left the company last month.” C、 “Hello, welcome to our company. ” D、 “Would you please wait for a while?
(单选题) You greet a visitor who visits your company. Please choose an appropriate response. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 “I know we’ve met before but I’m afraid I can’t remember the name.” B、 “That’s really kind of you but I’m exhausted after the flight. ” C、 “I’m afraid he left the company last month.” D、 “Hello, welcome to our company. ”
(单选题) --- Can I use your mobile phone ? --- Sorry , my mobile phone _____ . ( )(本题3.5分) A、 need to repair B、 needs repaired C、 need repairing D、 needs repairing
(单选题) --Would you like to come to our party tonight? --I.d love to, __ I.ll have to do my homework at home. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 so B、 but C、 because D、 and
(单选题) - ___ do I need to take ? - It’s helpful for you to take a map and a mobile phone if you get __ . ( )(本题3.5分) A、 What other , losing B、 Other what , missing C、 What else , lost D、 Else what , lose
(单选题) You want to end a conversation at a business reception. Please choose an appropriate response. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 “I’m sorry but there’s someone over there that I have to talk to.” B、 “How clumsy of me. I’m really sorry. ” C、 “I’m terribly sorry to hear that. ” D、 “I’m so sorry. The traffic was a nightmare.”
(单选题) --- Would you like________ the environment? --- I don’t know. What can I do? ( )(本题3.5分) A、 help save B、 helping save C、 to help saving D、 to help save
(单选题) —Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when ______ for London? ( )(本题3.5分) A、 leaving B、 leaves C、 to leave D、 are you leaving
(单选题) You spill coffee over a client’s desk at a meeting. Please choose an appropriate response. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 “I’m afraid he left the company last month.” B、 “I know we’ve met before but I’m afraid I can’t remember the name.” C、 “How clumsy of me. I’m really sorry. ” D、 “I’m terribly sorry to hear that. ”
(单选题) You want someone to stop smoking in a no-smoking area. Please choose an appropriate response. ( )(本题3.5分) A、 “Excuse me. I’m afraid smoking isn’t allowed here.” B、 “I’m sorry but there’s someone over there that I have to talk to.” C、 “How clumsy of me. I’m really sorry. ” D、 “I’m terribly sorry to hear that. ”
(单选题) Which topic is more appropriate to discuss immediately after an introduction? (本题3.5分) A、 Politics. B、 Religion. C、 MariAal sAaAus. D、 Weather.
(单选题) Suppose you are at the home of your English teacher, Mr. Savior. Mr. Savior says, "We are so glad to have you with us today.” You reply, ( )(本题3.5分) A、 A:“Thank you.” B、 B:“I’m glad to be here.” C、 C:“I want to see you long ago.” D、 D:“I’ve bothered you too much.”
(单选题) You.ve just been asked out to dinner but you don.t want to go with the person who invited you. You might say, ( ).(本题3.5分) A、 A:“I don’t think so. I already have plans.” B、 B:“No, I really don’t enjoy being with you.” C、 C:“I’m dieting so I mustn’t go out to eat.” D、 D:“Thanks a lot but I’m busy tonight.”
(单选题) When introduced to a senior professor or to the parents of a friend, which of the following is appropriate?(本题3.5分) A、 “Hi! Glad to know you.” B、 “Hello” and bow. C、 “Hello, iA’s nice Ao meeA you,” and Ahen shake hands. D、 “How are you?”
21. (问答题) (英译汉)on second thought(本题15.0分)
22. (问答题) (英译汉)by ones and twos(本题15.0分)