
You.d better listening to the teacher in the lesson. 选择一项: A. pay attention to B. paying attention to C. paying attention on
_________, the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years. 选择一项: A. Undoubtedly B. Doubtedly C. Undoubted
This is an opportunity to _______ the reputation of the company. 选择一项: A. increase B. progress C. enhance
The more people you know, ___________ knowledge you get. 选择一项: A. the much B. the more C. more
Without your help, I ______ obtained today.s success. 选择一项: A. would not have B. would have C. will not have
There are a number of reasons __ 回答 __. Learning another language is important for both work and travel. It is also important for making real connections with other people. Lastly, it can give you a greater understanding of your own language.
Learning a foreign language would __ 回答 __. If you work in a foreign country, it will benefit you immensely if you can speak its language because then you would be able to work with all different types of employees, and this will give long-term career success.
Speaking a foreign language gives you __回答 __; it enables you to see how other people see the world around them. If you travel or work in a foreign country, think how much easier everything would be if you could speak the local language. It would be easier to find different places, ask for directions, and even order food.
Finally, if you speak a foreign language you will actually __回答 ___. Other languages open our minds to new ways of thinking. For example, Eskimos have more words to describe snow and ice as it is such an important part of their lives.
Language is __ 回答 ___. It is how we share our thoughts with the world. Without language, there would be no way to communicate and express ourselves. The more languages you know, the more ways you have to communicate and express yourself. This is why learning many languages should be important, and why one language simply won.t do.
Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs __________ to anyone in the world. 选择一项: A. useful B. available C. easy
Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them _________, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered. 选择一项: A. thinking B. think a lot C. to think
I have _________ some courses and software to my Smartphone, and I find they are very interesting and easy to use. 选择一项: A. uploaded B. downloaded C. copied
But the Internet can bring some ________ effects, too. The most common one, some teenagers are addicted to computer games on the Internet. 选择一项: A. negative B. positive C. important
No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away. 选择一项: A. get B. give C. take
A passenger wants a cup of water because he is thirsty.
The air hostess forgot to give him the water on purpose. 回答
The passenger refused the cup of water. 回答
The passenger didn.t write down any sharp words.
This passage tells us that a sincere smile is of no use.
– The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day. – I have chosen the online program at OU. 选择一项: A. Because B. Now that C. That is the reason why
– What are your great strengths? – 选择一项: A. I am very shy. B. My job offers me high income. C. I am very active in discussion.
Mr. Wang, _________, is coming up to us. 选择一项: A. slowly B. our new teacher C. he is our new teacher
I hope you are making ________ for continuous education in your life. 选择一项: A. room B. vacancy C. place
It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenge of the global ________ economy. 选择一项: A. technology B. knowledge C. examination
The term “lifelong learning” describes the need for people to continue their education and training in a certain period of their lives.
The challenges of the global knowledge economy bring the needs for lifelong learning.
Lifelong learning is non-formal.
The universities should make the classroom student-centered.
To develop a new quality assessment system is a challenge for the government.